Pansmione- Why ?

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(Not edited)

Pansy's P.O.V.

Why out of all the girls, did I fall for you? I knew it was wrong, but yet I couldn't help myself. Now everyday I just get my heart broken when I see you with him I thought we could be friends or maybe more, but I was wrong.

I just wished you told me you liked guys before I went and made a fool out of myself.

"Look there's the freak!" "Lesbo!" "Queer!" "Pureblood disgrace!" "Ew, don't let her touch you,or  you'll become GAY !!"

I spent weeks, no months locked up in my room. All the girls keeping their distance and whispering things. I know it's about me, they make it obvious with the stares. You ruined my life, actually I ruined my own life just because I let in to your games. And it was that night I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Why did you have to like guys? I just wished you like girls and when I got the littlest of hope, I didn't think twice and it all came crashing down. Now I can't show my face to the public. I lost all my friends and gained more enemies, but I still can't help, but love you.

I don't know if it's your hair, or eyes or even laugh which fills me up with butterflies every time. But I do know that I can never look you in the eye again. Just seeing you laugh makes me want to puke or pull my hair out, because I know it's not me making you laugh or smile.

Why did I give in to your games?, why did I fall for your tricks, why did I kiss you, why do you make me feel like I do?, why, why, why !?!?!? That's all I can ask myself, but more importantly......

Why did it have to be you?

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