Drarry- Ride

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Part 2 to "Motorbike" (As requested from Cannieforever ) Sorry it took so long.

Harry's P.O.V

My face exploded into redness. Malfoy. Draco Malfoy was standing right in front of me with a motorbike, andddd I was standing there like an idiot.

I quickly composed myself and walked forwards, trusting my legs no to give out under me.

The last time I saw Malfoy was after his mother's trial. Both the Malfoys came to thank me for defending them and that was the last of it. But now here he was in all his hot- I mean in all his glory.

"Potter." Malfoy said snapping his fingers in front of my face. Looks like I spaced out again. Dammit. I need to control myself.

"Malfoy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Smooth Harry, obviously he's here to get his bike checked out. Stupid, stupid, stupid-

"Well my bike has been giving me a few problems lately, you see I got it about a year ago. But I can't seem to figure out what's wrong."

I nodded not trusting my voice and bent down to check out the bike. I could also see Malfoy's arse from my- No I need to snap out of it. Luckily my mechanic instinct came in and I could focus.

After inspecting the motorbike I stood back up to face Malfoy. "Well I think I found the pollen...problem. There were spells done on this and one must have been done wong, I mean wrong."

I stumbled over my words, since Malfoy was looking at me with those eyes beautiful Grey eyes that looked like a storm and the wind was blowing, which made his blonde hair flow gracefully and-

"I could take off all the spells if you'd like? Although some of them are done very well and doesn't look like they were made to hurt anyone, but you could never be to careful you know ? Like this one time-"

Malfoy just shook his head thankfully interrupting me blabbing. "No that's alright, the spells were done by me, but thank you." I was shocked, the spells that were done, really were done very well.

"Ohh uhm, alright.." We just stood there awkwardly looking at each other, or well in my case looking at the ground. Malfoy cleared his throat.

"Oh right ! Uhm let me just... get that spell" I cleared my throat "removed." I bent back down and started working.

Not much time passed when I came back up, but for once in my life I hated my job, as it involved me getting dirty and when trying to impress someone, it doesn't help shit.

"There you go, all fixed up." Malfoy nodded and got on his bike. He started it, and it came alive with a roar. He smiled. I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Thank you Harry. I'll definitely come again if my bike some how starts giving me problems again." He winked at me, put his helmet on, and left my driveway.

Just as he was about to turn he looked back at me and lifted this glass of his helm.

"It was good to see you.....scar head."

I think my nose started bleeding, I'm not sure.

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