GinnyxReader- Unfortunate Rivalry

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Y/n- Your name
H/c- Hair colour

Ginny's P.O.V

Everyone had a rival, well everyone in Hogwarst, okay everyone who was friends with Harry. It's not unknown that Harry drags trouble with him where ever he goes, and that also includes his friends, and him being the boy who lived not many people like him, which lead to rival, and of course if he has rivals so does he's friends.

Often it can be good to have a rival, someone to keep you on your toes and if you're in a bad mood and don't want to take it out on your friends, you can take it out on your rival.

Now everyone knows about Harry and Malfoy's rivalry, Hermione and Pansy Parkinson's, Ron and Blaise Zambini's , Neville and Theodore Nott's and so it goes on. Ironically all Harry and his friends rivals are in Slytherin and also in some way "friends".

Now you're probably wondering, since I'm one of Harry's friends, who is my rival. Well I'm glad you asked. My rival, the one person I despise the most, person who can rile me up, is none other than Y/n Malfoy. She's Malfoy's cousin and I despise her.

She is also in my year, which means that I'm stuck with her until I graduate. She also plays Quidditch, she's a chaser, and I'll be lying if I said that she wasn't good.

Now that brings me today, where I decided to go to the Quidditch field and get in a bit of practice, just me and the field. But no, of course she had to come and ruin it.

I was about to jump of in to the air when I saw her walking towards me dressed in her practice clothes holding a broom, wearing her signature smirk, obviously coming from the Malfoy line.

I stared her down until she was standing right in front of me.

"What do you want Malfette?" I asked still staring her down. I had started calling her that since she and her cousin liked calling me Weaslette.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to come practice, but it looks like you beat me to it." she explained still having a smirk on her face, this time she had a challenging look in her eye. "Okay whatever, now if you don't mind-" she cut me off by grabbing my broom just as I was about to push off.

"Hold on now, since we're both here, why don't we hold a little match, just you and I. I've been wanting to improve on my seeker skills, you see Draco's been absent the last few practices and they plan on throwing him off the team and giving me the spot. I love my cousin, but an opportunity like this isn't something I can give up."

"So what do you say we have a small seekers round. C'mon just one game, winner gets to make the loser do whatever they want for 2 hours."

Now I was intrigued, if I won I could make her embarrass herself in front of everyone. After thinking about if with her still smirking I gave in. Just as her she was about to say something else, I cut in. "Fine, you have yourself a deal Malfoy."

She smirked in triumph. "Excellent, this will be ideal." she let go if my broom and climbed on hers summing the practice snitch and bludgers they leave out for teams who want to practice.

She let them go and we waited for 3 seconds before rushing in to the air. There was no way she was any good. I smirked knowing that I was going to win this, since I've been practicing with Harry, after he was banished from playing Quidditch they offered me the spot. I was hesitant, but Harry encouraged me and said that he'd even train me.

I agreed and I actually beat him in a game in holidays. So, if I can beat Harry I can beat Malfoy. The thing is I've never seen her play as a seeker, so I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this.

I looked to my right where Malfoy was supposed to be, but she wasn't there anymore. Instead she was way above me. There was no way she could move that fast, since she only had a Nimbus 2001, while I had a Nimbus 2002. Which I was able to buy after Fred and George gave me the rest of their money that they got from Harry after he won the Triwizard Tournament.

It wasn't much, but after saving all my savings I had enough money to buy it. Even though Harry paid about 10% of it for my birthday when we were still dating.

Anyways back to how the hell Malfoy got away from me so fast. I rushed up after her, making sure that she didn't get the snitch before me. "You're a bit slow Weaslette, you're going to have to be faster than that."

I bit my lip from saying anything and swept to the side missing the bludger that was about to hit me. She laughed then almost fell of her broom when a bludger just missed her. She humphed and flew away.

I chuckled (yes girls can do that) and flew above the stands. I scouted the area and then saw Malfoy diving down. I chased after her and last minute she flew away. I pulled up and gritted my teeth. The snake tricked me, I rolled my eyes and scouted the area once again and then I saw it.

In the middle of the pitch fluttering 2 inches off the ground was the snitch. Looking towards where Malfoy was making sure she hadn't seen it yet, I flew towards the snitch. Just as I was about to catch it, it flew out of my grasp and then whipped behind the Ravenclaw stands.

I rushed towards it and Malfoy saw me and flew after me. The snitch came out from behind the stand and made its way higher. I pushed forward with my hand out stretched.

My broom being faster I made it to the snitch first and just as I was about to grab it she flew above me, turning upside down and leaned down and caught it. She looked at me and winked before sitting up properly on her broom.

I was shocked, how on earth did she do that. I turned around and saw how she did a few victory laps and she was extremely smooth on a broom. It's like she was one with the broom. It was almost entrancing to look at as her h/c hair flew behind her.

After we both landed she had a victory smirk on her face. "I won, now you have to do what I say for 2 hours." I huffed, but gave in. I'm true to my word, I'm a Gryffindor after all.

"Fine, what do you want me to do first?" She put her chin between her fingers as if thinking, then lifted her finger up. "I have the perfect idea, what's a victory, without a victory kiss?"

I looked at her confused. "What do you-" ,but before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted with a pair of soft lips kissing me. I didn't realize what was happening, but before I knew it I was wrapping my hands around her waist and pulling her closer to me, deepening the kiss.

It lasted for about what felt like forever, but was only a few seconds. We pulled away for air. "You light me up Ginny Weasley." I grinned back and rested my head againt hers. "You amaze me, Y/n Malfoy." she smiled and leaned in to kiss me again.

What can I say, we were the last pair of rivals to get together. It was going to happen eventually.


I updated, shocking. It's almost new year and I want to start getting back in to writing. I hope you enjoyed. :)

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