Drarry(Dilly)- Me, Us

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It was the holidays before 8th year. Draco was invited back and he accepted -not that he had a choice- except now he was extremely nervous. His father was now finally in Azkaban and his mother was on house arrest. He was found innocent, but  wasn't aloud to leave the country for the next five years and had to finish his studies. He didn't really mind. But now he started having second thoughts. Ever since his father was put in Azkaban he felt more free, since he could embrace his real self, except he was nervous. What if he was the only one, what if everyone hated him. His mother excepted it, but what about his friends at Hogwarts or his house mates. He wrote to Pansy and she was overjoyed. That settled his nerves a bit before they started rising again. What would he think about him ? Draco decided to not worry about it and get his things together. He didn't know what to expect from this year and he hoped that just good things would, but of course he was wrong.....

Harry James Potter was sitting in Ron's room waiting for the Weasley's to come back from their walk. They invited him to come, but be pretend to not feel well and just wanted to lay down for a while. After a long time of convincing Molly that he just needed rest and he would be fine, they left. The real reason he didn't go was because be was planning on how to tell them -his basically family- that he was transgender. He figured this out in 6th year, but couldn't do anything about it since they went on their quest of finding horcruxes, but since their 8th year was coming up he wanted to come out and fully become his true self. Embrace the part of him he'd been hiding. So when he heard the door open and a bunch of chatter fill the house he started panicking. Was it to late to back out ? No, he had to do this or he'll be stuck in the closet for the rest of his life. So he took a deep breath and went downstairs. They were all standing around some sitting on the couch. He cleared his throat and all eyes were on him. "I...I would um like to t-tell you al-l some....thing." He gulped. A few had worried expressions or wore confused ones. They nodded and everyone took a seat. After gathering himself Harry stood in front of them. "I-I uh..." Harry stuttered not knowing how to start. "What is it dear?" Molly said in the sweetest voice. "Is everything alright Harry ?" Hermione asked concerned. He gulped and mustered up all his Gryffindor courage. "I'm transgender!" He spat out closing his eyes not wanting to see their reactions. When he heard nothing he slowly opened his eyes to find faces filled with smiles looking back at him. "On Harry, we love you as you are mate and plus we  kinda already knew." Ron said and everyone nodded along. He stood their shocked. "How !?" He said sitting down on the couch closest to him. "Well Mioné and I, walked in on you when we were at Grimmauld Place looking in the mirror with one of her dresses on. You looked quite happy, so we excepted it from an early stage." Ron said smiling. Tears were brimming Harry's eyes. These were his friends and he couldn't ask for better ones. "Thank you." He whispered. Hermione and Ron got up and hugged Harry. "Well I think it's time we give you a makeover." Hermione said. Harry looked at her confused. She rolled her eyes and dragged him....... her upstairs.

~Time Skip to Hogwarts !!!~

Rumours have been going around about a new raven haired eight year with glasses who befriended the golden trio except one of them was not their. Everyone was sitting in the great hall when they walked in. The girl looked nervous, but after Hermione whispered some words in to her ear she was walking with confidence. They took a seat at the eight year table placed in the corner since their wasn't enough space at the house tables and the 8th  years would be separate from everyone else. It was when someone looked closer at the girl's face and saw the famous lighting scar everyone knew. "It's Potter." The person said. The in tire hall then broke out in murmurs. Harry who now went by Lily, was about to stand up and leave the hall, but the murmurs came to an end when a head peeked from behind the door to the great hall. Everyone fell quiet as it opened completely and there stood a tall blonde Slytherin girl. She was by the looks of it also an eight year. She silently walked towards the eight years table. When she tripped and fell. Everyone laughed or tried mustering up their giggles. She stood up and looked around looking as if she was about to cry, and turned around only to meet green eyes staring at her . Potter knew those eyes anywhere when they made contact with hers. "It's Malfoy." She whispered to her friends. Apparently someone had been listening in, as gasps filled the great hall along with laughs. Insults started being thrown around not just at Malfoy, but Potter to, even tho Daisy (Draco) didn't know that. She ran out the hall with tears streaming down her face. Lily (Harry) was on the verge of tears as her fellow classmates asked where her dick had gone. She jumped up and ran out the hall, deciding to also find Malfoy. She ran until she heard sobs coming from an empty hallway. She slowly made her way to the source wiping away her tears in the process.

She stopped and saw the blonde female she'd been looking for. "Um hi." She said softly not to startle the other girl. "Go a-away." Daisy didn't even lift her head to see who was in front of her. She just wanted to disappear. Lily sighed and sat next to her. "A-are you okay?" Lily asked trying to keep herself from crying, but it was hard with the huge lump in her throat. "W-what d-does it l-look like?" She stuttered through her tears. Lily put her hand on the crying girls shoulder. "I'm sorry." "Wh-at are you sorry for. You don't know what it feels like to hide your true self from everyone !" Lily finally felt the tears go down her face. "Y-yes I do."

For the first time since the raven haired girl had arrived did the blonde finally look up and gasped as she saw who the person next to her actually was. "Potter...." Lily's head shot to the side where the blonde was sitting. "Y-you're ......."  "A girl....yeah."  Lily's tears finally flowed down her face. "Like....me." 

The blonde silently smiled. Someone finally understood her pain. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sob. That's when she realized she wasn't the only one crying. She looked at the girl and did something her previous self wouldn't even dream of doing. She hugged her. She didn't need to know why she was crying, it was the exact same reason she had sleepless nights or would refuse to go out of the house. The feeling of not being accepted.

They must've been their for a while since a few students started exiting the hall. Lilly stood up when a rude comment was shot towards them. "Where's your manliness gone Potter ? Oh wait your a girl and girls are weak." The boy spat. Most their insults were from boys, but a girl would say a mean comment here or there. "Well at least now I get more dick than you'll ever have in your pants." Lily didn't know where this bravery came from, but she was scared out of her mind. "Why you!" The boy was about to punch her when he stumbled back. "Don't. You. Dare." Venom laced Daisy's voice. "Wow you hit like a girl, wait you are one." He still had the audacity to say that, even as blood trickled down his nose.

Lily's P.O.V. (finally someone P.O.V.)

Malfoy stood in front of me protectively. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. By the look in her eyes I could see that she was done. With all the pain, insults, everything and I agreed completely. I stood next to her. She looked down at me being a bit taller I smiled at her and she nodded her head. We were done being thrown around and treated as dirt. It was time to fight back, and fight back we will.

An idea popped in to my head. It was dangerous, but would be worth it 100%. "Hey ass face, don't like girls maybe guys are more your type, but I can't agree especially not when there's a fucking gorgeous one standing next to me!" I, with out missing a beet, grabbed Malfoy's jaw and slammed my lips on to hers. She agreed immediately and I was smiling on the inside probably on the outside as well. I heard a grunt, then someone stomp of, but we didn't end the kiss. No, we actually deepened it, until a certain professor came and stopped us. "Ms. Lily, and Daisy. I should probably be taking house points or giving you detention, but I must say that was an act of bravery and you had the right to stand up to him and I am proud. Although I will take away 5 points each for the use of foul language and the wrong use of the hallway." Professor McGonagall winked at us and I couldn't stop grinning. I kissed -aparently now- Daisy and felt the most complete I've ever been. This was me, us, and I couldn't be happier.

Lilly (Author)-
So if you couldn't tell Lily was Harry and Daisy was Draco. Reason behind their names Harry would take his mothers name since she gave her life for him and yeah. Draco's name I read in a story were Draco was also transgender and I thought it was cute. I do apologise of anyone was offended. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community myself and offending one of you would be like hurting my family. I don't know much about transgender and I would love to do more research since my future girlfriend could be trans for all I know. I am sorry about the mean things said, but at least Lily said one hell of a come back. I love you all so much and PS this is so far the longest chapter I've ever written with over 1700 words. Not including this. Well bye and Happy new years!!

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