1: Betrayed

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I was woken up by the smell of smoke and the noise from outside. I scurried off my bed and opened my window to take a look at what was happening outside. The place was horrible. Smoke and fire engulfed the entire building and the field, and women and children were running away while the males and pack warriors were fighting against some unknown wolves.

Rogues. We're under attack.

I went out of my room and ran along the hallways while fighting the rogues and searching for my family. I picked up a dagger from the floor and used it to defend and attack the rogues coming at me while running.

"Mama! Papa!" I shouted in the hallway and searched for them but they are nowhere to be found.

"Alec! Javier! Royce!" I was still running and searching for them but then I was suddenly pulled and dragged in the opposite direction. I looked at the person and saw my mom.

"Mama! Why are we under attack? Where are the others?" She didn't answer me but instead, she kept on dragging me until we reached the Alpha's office.

"Cassandra! Thank goodness both of you are here." Luna Illiana said and hugged both of us.

"What's wrong?" I asked them. I searched the area and found only Luna Illiana here. Her son and daughter are not even here.

"Listen carefully, Amelia. We've been betrayed by Dante. He sold us off to them." Mom said with tears in her eyes. I can't believe what she said. Dante, her best friend, and my favorite uncle betrayed us. How could he do that to us?

"N-no! It can't be true. Uncle wouldn't d-"

"Ya lo hizo!" she said and cried. A tear fell from my eye. I really don't want to believe her but my mom would never lie. And to think that Dante betrayed us hurt her the most. (He already did)

"Cassandra! They are closing in, we have to hurry." Illiana interrupted us. My mom wiped her tears and pushed a button on the wall which was hidden by a painting. The shelf moved and so as the wall revealing a secret passage that I didn't know of. She gave me a backpack which I think contains some of my clothes and money.

"I prepared everything in this bag. Money for your travel and a fake passport. You need to leave this place. Enter the hidden passage and into the tunnel that leads a few kilometers away from the borders. When you're out there, I want you to erase your scent. You have to run as fast as you can to the airport and go to Germany where the castle of the Vampire King's brother resides. You have to find Vargo and Klaus, tell them your full name, and show them the pendant I gave you. They will then take good care of you. Can you do that?"

"What about you and the rest?" I asked her. She smiled at me and wiped my tears.

"No te preocupes, hija mía. No nos harán daño. But you need to go. Whatever happens do not come back, lo entiendes?" I shook my head. (Don't worry my child. They won't hurt us.)(got it?)

"No! No te estoy dejando!" I shouted. (No! I'm not leaving you)

"Yes, and you must! Please hija." I remained silent and fixed my gaze on the ground. My mom lifted my chin gently with her soft hands and looked at me with a sad and pained expression.

"I want you to promise me something too. I don't want you to go back here until the time is right. Mi prometta!" she begged and I shook my head. (promise me)

"Per favore Amelia, promettimi!"(Please Amelia, promise me)

"Lo prometto!" I yelled and cried harder. My mom only smiled and wiped my tears. (I promise)

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