17: When Something Annoying Comes Up, Another One Appears

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I just finished reading almost half of the book when Cassius woke up. I was going to hide the book but I was too late and there's no use hiding it from him since this belongs to his family. After all, the owner, Alianna has the surname of Donello.

"What are you reading?" he asked and yawned. I showed him the book and he read the title. "L'angelo Fenice? Where did you get that? It's pretty old."

"Can you believe it when I found it on a secret trap door in your library?" I told him but he gave me a confused look.

"There's a secret room in the library?" he asked. I was surprised that he didn't know. But since that shelf is full of dust, no one would have known that secret place.

"Yes, and I think it belongs to Alianna since I saw a painting of her." his eyes widened at the mention of Alianna. "What is it? Do you know her?" I asked.

"...A relative. Where is this room?" He didn't explain and I didn't pry further since it involves his family.

"I'll show it to you later when no one is around in the library." I said and got up from bed to open the curtains.

"Why?" he was confused at what I said.

"Remember what I told you that there is a mole in this pack? Well, that person wants this book." he looked surprised at what I told him and he was lost for words. The air around here suddenly became cold. Although I can't see it on his face, I know Cassius is extremely angry.

"Calm down Cassius. I'm not yet certain who it is yet." I told him.

"Then, you must have someone in mind." He said without looking at me. He was about to leave but I clutched his arm to prevent him from doing so.

"Stop, stop, stop! What do you think you're doing?" He looked at me furiously and I flinched. He noticed this so he looked away and sighed heavily.

"I'm going catch that bastard and kill him." He seethed and I gulped. He's really going to do that no matter who it was.

"You can't! I told you. I'm not yet sure if that person really is a mole so you can't just burst out and hunt them down just like that. There's no need for some bloodshed if we could just solve this peacefully." I tried to rationalize.

"You know me, Amelia. I have done things like this a lot and will do it my way." I rolled my eyes and showed him the book.

"There is a way. I'm going to use this book as bait. This person must have a reason why they did it and I don't want that person to die without knowing why they did it. So please, can you let me handle this? I promise I won't do anything dangerous." I reassured him.

Of course, it's a half lie since I don't know if what I'll do will be dangerous or not. But it's Cassius we're talking about so I had no choice but to lie a bit. He hesitated for a bit as I was waiting for his reply.

"Fine but take me to where this secret room is. Everyone is probably still asleep since it's too early." I looked at the time and saw that it was six thirty in the morning.

"Okay, let's go to the library but first, I need a place to hide this book." I could hide it again under his bed but I will not take the risk.

"I have a safe in my closet. The book will be safe there." he said and got up. We went to a large walk-in closet, the size of twice the average room. Heck! This closet even has a couch and chandelier.

The safe was located on top of a small cabinet in the corner. He dialed the code and I saw what it was. The code was twenty-two, seventeen. After the safe was opened, I handed him the book and he placed it inside and then locked the safe. The safe was empty, it must have been a spare seeing as there is a much bigger one beside it.

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