11: A Great Training Experience

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"Hey, Cassius...do you believe in other supernatural beings that were thought to be myths even among us like dragons, elves, fairies, demons, or angels for example?" I asked him. He looked surprised at what I told him but when he saw that I was serious, he became serious too. He was about to answer me when our food came.

My eyes widened and my mouth watered at the sight of the food being placed on our table by Philip. There is a lot too. Two plates of lasagna, a large bowl of honey-glazed chicken legs, a bowl of sour cream fries, blueberry cheesecake, and two mango milkshakes with a whip of vanilla ice cream and mango puree.

"Enjoy your meal." Philip said with a smile and left us to enjoy our mouth-watering foods.

"I never pictured you out as a guy who has a sweet tooth." I said and he gave me a small smile before speaking.

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, poupée." He said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness. (doll)

We started to eat our food and it is just superb. The lasagna is so delicious. It has lots of sauce and the meat felt like it'll melt in my mouth. The chicken is also superb with its crispiness mixed with the sweetness of honey and let us not forget about the blissful taste of the sour creamed fries and the sweetness of the milkshake and cheesecake. I could eat here every day.

"About your question earlier, I do believe in some. Considering werewolves, vampires, and witches are real, therefore I'm convinced the others exist too." he said and popped a fries into his mouth.

"Dragons are hard to believe that they exist. Well, the fourth king is a descendant of a dragon. She had the power of a dragon but I don't know if she could transform into one. On the other hand, fairies and elves might exist since they use elemental magic and witches use magic as well and lived longer. As for demons and angels, I without a doubt believed they existed." He said. I was listening to him urging him to continue when he stopped. He hesitated a bit when he was about to speak again but gave in anyway.

I think he's about to talk about his past.

"I met an angel when I was five. I was so little then but I could still remember. An army of demons attacked our pack when my dad was the sixth king. Due to a mistake my parents made by unintentionally letting in a spy, my home was almost destroyed. I don't know why they attacked us but they did it without any mercy. They were such horrifying creatures that their form is worst than a monster. The demons killed my parents right in front of me." he said while his teeth were clenched and palms were formed into fists. This spy must be that rogue, Marjorie talked about.

I thought the rogues were the ones who attacked them. To think that an army of demons would attack his pack is not a coincidence. Demons usually don't band together to attack. They are prideful and greedy for death so they usually attack in minimal numbers or alone. To them, having too many gathered means competition for prey. I bet someone powerful is behind all of these.

"They were about to kill me too but two angels came to our rescue. They were a red-haired woman and a man. I can still remember their faces as if I just met them yesterday. The two of them alone killed an entire army of demons. They also said something about an oracle and how the demons were given orders from someone. They were too late to save my parents though. If only I were strong enough, I could have helped them. It's all my fault." his hand was shaking so I place my hand on his and rub it soothingly to calm him down.

"Cassius, it's not your fault. You were young back then and you don't know what to do yet." I smiled at him. "They would risk their lives to protect you. It's the parent's duty to protect their children after all. Even if you don't want them to, they would still do it as many times as they want." I said, speaking through experience. He smiled at me and move his hand to intertwine ours. I was surprised at first but I didn't shrug him off.

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