21: The Continuation Of The Book

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As soon as Xerxes is out of sight, we walked back with our fingers intertwined. As we walk past some of the pack members were staring at us and our hands. I wanted to let go but Cassius had a tight grip on my hand.

"They're staring at our hands, Cassius." I told him but he didn't even try to unclasp our hands.

"Let them be. Since it's their first time seeing me like this. Also, some already saw you but some don't know you yet so this is a good chance to " I gulped at what he said.

"Are you sure? I don't know if they'll like me or not." I said worriedly. He tilted my head to meet his gaze.

"What's not to like about you, mon amour? You're brave, beautiful, kind, and funny. And besides, you have me by your side. If they don't like you, they'll have to face me." I can't help but blush at his sweetness.

"I can't believe you're saying such cheesy lines with a serious face." I mumbled to myself but of course, he could hear it with how he could smirk proudly.

"But what if they don't trust me? I'm an outsider after all." I said. We stopped in front of the door and he placed his left hand on my shoulder while the other caressed my face.

"Outsider or not, you are my aethyraz, my other half. The only one the goddess has given me and I trust you. I let you keep the knife without knowing if there is poison in it again, I let you do things on your own, and I even let you confront Zeyd and got you almost killed because I trust you." he said with sincerity in his voice and I just wanted to bury myself on the ground due to the guilt that's been building up on me.

"Maybe letting you fight Zeyd wasn't the wisest decision but the point is, I trusted you knowing the consequences of your actions. And even if I didn't want you to go and confront Zeyd, I knew you would go there because you are the bravest, most stubborn woman I know. They will love you and give you the trust they did to me." I chuckled at his comment.

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment, your majesty?" I teased him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"I like the sound of you calling me that, ma cheri." he said huskily and I giggled. I was about to speak when the door opened, revealing puffy-faced Hans who stuffed some pizza in his mouth while both hands carries a piece.

"Stop with the mushy and corny stuff, the pizza is gonna get cold guys." Hans said after swallowing all the food in his mouth. I rolled my eyes at him and drag Cassius with me to the kitchen.

As we entered the kitchen, we saw Ven feeding Zeyd the pizza. Both of them are all lovey-dovey like nothing happened a few minutes ago. Even though Zyed can remember everything, he chooses to ignore the slap and punch that his aethyraz gave him.

They saw us entering the kitchen and I sat opposite them with Cassius on my side. Zeyd gave me an apologetic look and it looks like he was going to tell me something but he was hesitating. I took a slice of pizza and stuffed it in my mouth before I spoke.

"Spit it out Zeyd. I know you have something to tell me." I said and looked him in the eye.

"Mia, I'm really sorry about hurting you and almost getting you killed. I feel so devastated that I've let myself get possessed and hurt my Queen. What's more frustrating is that I am aware of everything but I can't do a thing. I can't believe I've hurt you the second time." he said with horror in his eyes. I saw Cassius clench his fist so I took it and caressed it to calm him down.

"It's okay, Zeyd. It was never your fault. Although I heard that Cassius beat you up real good and I got to see Ven slap and punch you so we're even." I said playfully to ease up the tension in this room. But the mere mention of him being slapped and punched by Ven made him look worst. I laugh at his state which made Ven shake her head and mutter 'Kids these days'.

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