18: Possession

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"Well, well, look who's here. Are you here to accompany me or something else? I wonder what it is, Zeyd." I said and he smirked.

"I'm just here to check on you. Cassius told me to keep an eye on you after all." he said, walking slowly and carefully toward me.

"Let's drop the act here Zeyd. You're here for another purpose." I said. He stopped walking and looked at me confused. "You see Zeyd, I asked Cassius not to follow me or have someone to keep an eye on me. He told me that he'll only interfere if it gets dangerous. One thing I know about Cassius is that he doesn't go back to his word. You know that better than I do, right?" His face twitched a bit and he frowned. He looked at me with lifeless cold eyes. Eyes that I haven't seen before except for Cassius.

"What do you know so far?" he asked.

"I know for a fact that you are the mole." I pointed out to him.

"How?" He's clearly on guard right now. He didn't even hide it, which is not what someone as powerful as him would do.

"Well for starters, I spent a year with my aunt Vargo who was a witch and I know that the mark on the tree wasn't just poisoned but a spell was there. It vanished when the spell was cast, unfortunately to you. I don't know what spell it was. I thought it was harmless as nothing happened after that so I just let it go and that was my biggest mistake." I explained. I took something from my bag and showed it to him.

"Second, the note Casper saw. The paper that was used is surprisingly the paper in the library." I faked a surprise to make it more fun. "The first time I went to the library, I had with me a coffee, and thanks to my clumsiness, I spilled some and it made a small stain. Because papers are very absorbent, the next paper absorbs the stain and made a very small stain, almost unnoticeable but I never miss something like that." I pointed to the lower part of the paper where there is a stain. "But I still had my doubts that it was you." He clenched his jaw and his relaxed hand turned to fists.

"Third, my knife. The day you captured me, you took a knife from me-"

"How would you know that it was the knife I took from you when the first note has your knife from the rogues you killed using it?" he didn't let me finish. I shot him a glare for interrupting me.

"Of course, I would know. The knife you took from me is my personal knife. It has my initials carved on it. The knife that was used on the first note has no initials on it." I said and showed him my knife. "This is how I'm finally convinced. Now all I have to do is figure out what you wanted. It's a good thing that Ven told me how you always go to the library to search for books and how you never put them back to where they belong so it gives me a clue on what to find. The reason why you can't find this book is that it wasn't on the shelves in the library but somewhere secret." I said and put the book inside the bag. He clapped his hand, giving me an applause.

"Wow! I thought his majesty's aethyraz was only free-spirited but to think that she's smart as well." he said. The way he speaks is like he's a different person.

"Thanks! It all comes from genes. I'm guessing the one speaking is not Zeyd, am I right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You guessed it right little one. Well then, can you guess what spell was put on this kid and who am I?" He asked and I pretended to think.

"Hmmm...You casted possession, right? That's actually not allowed nowadays and to think it was made sloppily." I said and almost laugh. I can tell that he's angry but as someone who also knew magic and was taught by one of the elders, I can't help but laugh at how bad the spell was made.

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