29: Cupcakes And A Secret

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What's up with the people around Cassius? They would just suddenly barge in without knocking. I mean, hey! There is this thing called privacy, okay?

"Alas! I'm glad that both of you are awake now. I really need you guys to stop the dog fight in your kitchen, please." he pleaded. He looked so worn out and drained. I looked at him confused. Cassius on the other hand, got up and sighed.

I got up after him and we went outside the room and headed towards the kitchen with Errick following us from behind with...is that an umbrella he's holding? The guy has a freaking umbrella and I don't know why.

As soon as we entered the kitchen, a cupcake was flying towards me and I didn't have time to dodge it since my brain is still processing so I ended up taking the cupcake on my face.

"It needs a little bit of sugar." I mumbled to myself and ate the cupcake.

"You fucking thief! How dare you steal my brownies?!" Venus yelled at Hansel who was eating the cupcake he caught from her.

"How was I supposed to know it was yours?" Hansel defended himself.

"I put a freaking sticky note on it!" Venus yelled again and threw a cupcake at him, to which he caught with his mouth.

"Well, it wasn't really sticky now ain't it? Next time label it with a marker or something." He said while munching on the cupcake.

"And besides, I wasn't the only culprit here. I also caught this guy eating." He said and pulled Casper to his side who was sweating due to guilt.

"Aha-ha...w-well...uhmm.." Casper stuttered. He can't even look at Venus' eyes.

"You fucking idiots! How many times do I have to tell you not to steal my stress foods? You two are so dead!"

"ENOUGH." Cassius' voice boomed and everyone became silent. I shivered at the power he exerted. It was a good kind of shiver.

"Clean these up." Cassius ordered coldly and pointed at the mess they made. "NOW."

The three of them scrambled their way in grabbing the broom and trash they made. It was funny looking at them. Such a refreshing sight that I don't get to see more often. It makes you think that they are not deadly predators when they are like this.

"Oh, my goddess! I'm so sorry Mia." Ven quickly apologized. I lick the icing on my face.

"It needs less sugar." I said and wiped the icing on my face.

"Really? I thought I made it just right?" she said and ate a cupcake.

"And what's this flavor? Peaches? Peaches are already sweet so you need to add less sugar for it."

"But it doesn't taste that sweet. I want it to be sweeter." Ven complained. Well, if she puts more sugar, I'm afraid I'll have diabetes.

"What's going on here? Why are there flying cupcakes?" I asked her and she glared at Hans who was cleaning the mess.

"It's because of that idiot who keeps on messing with my cooking." she growled at him and he only rolled his eyes.

"I was only taste-testing and helping you cook." He defended. The two are now fighting while I walk towards the seats with Cassius and Errick following me. I guess they haven't noticed his presence yet. On the other hand, I can't seem to see Zeyd today.

"Where's Zeyd?" I asked Cassius who sat at his chair at the head of the table with me on the right and Errick on the left. The maids had begun to serve us breakfast and I drooled at the sight of them.

"He's doing some patrol." he simply said.

"Isn't that suppose to be Han's job? Instead of pigging out, shouldn't he be out there?"

"Hey! I heard that." Hans said who sat next to Errick. "I happen to be on a day off." he pointed out and I raised a brow.

"Aren't you always on a day off?" I said.

"Well, I have night shift duties. And besides, I did most of the dangerous work so I deserve a break." He retorted and I just shook my head in defeat. There's no use arguing with him. It'll just be a waste of time.

"Errick?" I heard Han said when he noticed another person sat on his chair.

"Took you long enough to realize." Errick said and drank his orange juice.

"Dude! I didn't know it was you with the umbrella and all." he said and they did that bro hug thingy. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I have important things to discuss with Cassius over here." he said and Cassius stiffened. Errick was suddenly serious and so as Hans and Cassius. Hans only nodded his head. Cassius suddenly stood up and walked away.

"I think that is our cue to follow him to his office." Errick said and got up too. I didn't even realize he was done eating. Is his mouth a vacuum or something? He just literally sat there five minutes ago.

"What? But I haven't eaten my breakfast yet." Hans whined like a kid.

"Dude, you just literally ate a bunch of cupcakes earlier. Haven't you had enough?" Errick asked while judging him.

"Hey! There's a separate stomach for desserts." he pointed out and I couldn't have agreed more. "Why don't you just go on ahead first and I'll stop by when I'm done eating." He said and was about to eat when Errick pulled his arm and dragged him towards the direction where Cassius left.

"Dude, I don't wanna die alone. If I have to, at least I'll drag you with me." Errick said and pulled Hansel but Hansel pulled him back.

"But if I had to die, at least let me eat a delicious last meal?" Hansel begged like a kid with puppy eyes which is disgusting by the way.

"Stop acting like a 5-year-old. You already had your last meal." Errick said. He was about to give up on dragging him when Lance suddenly came and helped Errick with dragging Hansel.

"See you later, little phoenix." Errick said before completely leaving the kitchen. Hans was shocked at what he called me and was about to ask us but he was completely dragged by Errick.

"Errick knows?" Ven suddenly said from my right. She look surprised and I tilted my head to the left.

"Yeah, we kind of had a little encounter last night." I told her. "So...want to put less sugar in your cupcakes and let me taste test it?" I said and she perked up. This is gonna be an interesting day with the young master of Russia here.


I went to the library after Ven and I ate the cupcakes she made. After that, she decided to go to the gym to work out. I wanted to join her but I decided not to since I just remembered that I have a book to finish reading so this is how I ended up in the library, laying on the couch with the book in my hand while I try to read.

I've been here for hours and the meeting isn't done yet. I finished reading the story of Adaya and found out that what Casper said was true. A part of the book was ripped by someone. It's either Alianna, who's the owner of the book, or someone else.

I think it's for the best if the name of the child is hidden from everyone. What I don't understand from the book is about how Adaya's daughter was put into a deep slumber. I mean, was it really necessary?

There's also something that I don't understand. The connection of Adaya's daughter to me. Estra meant dawn. My angel name, which is Aurora also meant dawn. And the fact that Aviel took my mom and my pack, was it all a coincidence?

Could it be that what Quinn said earlier was true?

Since Adaya's daughter was born centuries ago, it cannot be me. But there is a possibility that she could be my ancestor. But I don't have any proof. The only one who could tell me was my mother or another angel. But none of them are here.

This needs to be kept a secret and it seems like my secrets just kept piling up.

Just great.

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