8: Poisoned Letter

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"Errr...Good morning..?" I said and smiled awkwardly. I've been caught doing embarrassing things and that someone had to be my mate.

"Are you hungry? Shall we eat?" He asked while averting his gaze. It was more embarrassing when he tried to ignore the embarrassing state I'm in. I wish he could just laugh it off or try to ask me about it, then I won't be feeling a bit awkward.


I heard a knock on my door and I told them to come in. Venus and Marjorie entered my room with a smile.

"Good Morning Amelia." Marjorie greeted me while carrying a large tray.

"Oh my! His Majesty is here as well." Marjorie said when he saw Cassius on the bed. She gave him a bow and smiled.

"Cassius you're here! Zeyd has gone nuts looking for you. You need to go now, something important came up." Venus said and Cassius glared at her.

They were staring for a while as their eyes were clouded, probably arguing through mind link, then Cassius sighed heavily. He stood up and looked at me. He was hesitating at first, seeing as he gritted his teeth.

"I'll have to excuse myself. I'll see you later." He said coldly and went out. He's back to his cold self. Instead of feeling sad, I find it funny.

"Hi, Marj, Ven. What are you guys doing here?" I asked them while ignoring what happened back there.

"His Majesty ask us to give you your breakfast, although it's a bit late now." Marjorie said and showed me the tray full of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grape juice. My mouth watered at the sight.

"And accompany you." Ven said.

"Are you guys done eating breakfast?" I asked Ven.

"Of course! It's almost eleven, you know." she said and I widened my eyes. I overslept a lot since I arrived here and it's not good.

"I wanted to wake you up but Cassius won't let me and said that you needed sleep. But now I know the real reason why he won't let me." Ven said and gave me that knowing look.

"That child is gonna spoil and have you all to himself. He wouldn't even let anyone's clothes be put on you, even Ven's clothes so I brought you his clothes to change into." she said and I bushed. I'm really not used to these. "I leave you two here to eat okay? I need to go do my duties." I nod my head at her.

"Thanks, Marj." I said and gave her my biggest smile. She also smiled in return before going out of my room. I grab the bowl of strawberry syrup, my favorite, and pour it on the stack of pancakes. I was going to eat a slice when I saw Venus smiling mischievously at me. "What?"

"You know what I meant." she said and wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I honestly don't know, Ven." she frowned and I shrugged.

"You know, what did you and Cassius do last night?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows and nudging me on my side.

"We did nothing! I had a nightmare so he rushed into my room and woke me up. He only stayed by my side 'cause I was afraid and we only slept." I quickly explained to her but her face says she doesn't believe me.

"Hmmm...The king and his aethyraz sharing the same bed, something is bound to happen." I raised a brow at her.

"That's ridiculous. Nothing happened okay?" I said and took my pillow to hug it. My excuse for inhaling his scent which still lingers strongly on my pillow.

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