23: Rise From The Flames Of Thy Enemy

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I watched her as she was engulfed in flames. My mind was screaming to help my aethyraz but my body is stopping me from moving. It's like I was petrified in my place. I wanted to run to her side and make the flames disappear but something in the back of my mind says to wait and watch.

I can't move a muscle. All I can do is watch as Amelia is suffering and slowly dying. Tears begin to fall from my eyes when I saw her lifeless body. I howled painfully for the loss of my aethyraz. I looked at the witch who was laughing and I was about to shift and kill her when I saw Amelia suddenly move her hands.

The witched stopped laughing as she watched Amelia getting up. A few also stopped what they are doing and watched as she stood up, still covered in flames. She suddenly laughed, gaining everyone's attention. She stood perfectly fine like there are no flames covering her body at all. It's like she rose from the dead

I can't speak nor move and everyone around us as well. Suddenly, the flames slowly disappeared- no, it was being sucked by her body until there was nothing left.

"Y-you...sucked my flames?" the witch stuttered and has a fearful expression on her face.

"Yeah, thanks for the flames bitch." she said sarcastically. Right now, my aethyraz is like a different person. Stronger, scarier, and very different.

"W-who...h-how? Who are you?" the witch asked. Amelia devilishly smirked before answering.

"I' am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the iron throne, rightful queen of the Andals and the first men, protector of the seven kingdoms, the mother of dragons, the Khaleesi of the great grass sea, the unburnt, the breaker of chains." she said proudly. We were all dumbfounded at what she said.

"Did she just call herself Daenerys?" One of my pack warriors said.

"Bruh! I can't believe she memorized that. She must be a fan of Game of thrones." Another one said. I really don't know if I'm gonna laugh or be serious right now because I really don't understand what's happening.

She suddenly laughed and clutched her stomach. "S-sorry. I was t-trying to find the r-right time to s-say that," she said in between laughter. When her laughter died down, her face became serious. "Now, it's my turn."

Red flames suddenly appeared in Amelia's arms and her dark red hair became bright as the flames in her arms. You can easily mistake her hair as part of her flames. She made a circle of fire, surrounding the witch, like what that witch did to me earlier but Amelia's fire was taller and thicker. The witch tried to make the fire disappear with her spells but she can't.

"What is this? Why can't I control or put it out?" the witch ranted as she kept on trying but was still, unsuccessful.

"My flames cannot be controlled or put out by anyone except me." Amelia said.

She moved her hands in the air gracefully like conducting an orchestra and a huge fire surrounded the field, making a huge circle. There can be no escape for the rogues. I ordered my men to kill them all and leave no one behind.

As soon as the flames disappeared from her arms and her hair returned to normal, I ran towards her and grab her arm to make her face me. I cupped her face and searched those oceanic blue eyes that seems to glow like a gem.

"Amelia...?" my voice was like a whisper from the wind. I don't know what to say or ask her. I just wanted to know if this is really her or if she's okay.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that but I will explain it to you later." she said with a pained and remorseful expression while cupping my hands that were on her face.

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