19: Instincts Taking Over

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Zeyd is freaking furious by now. Such an ill-tempered person. Well, actually it's the witch who's ill-tempered, not Zeyd. From what I've heard from the rumors about Cassius, Zeyd, and Hansel, is that Zeyd is the calmest of the three.

"Too bad I brought the wrong book. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to bring the book when a mole is wandering shamelessly here?" I said to him and smirked.

Zeyd growled and threw the book. He ran and lunged at me and was trying to bite my neck but he suddenly stopped and moved away from me a bit. I didn't miss this chance so I pushed him against a tree with all my strength. But that is not enough to knock him out. With the use of his hand, he

All of a sudden, when I'm put at a disadvantage, I can feel something different, something powerful taking control of my body. It's urging me to kill, to bathe in my enemy's blood. My vision became blurry and I can't control my body as I started to fight Zeyd. I was in a losing battle at first, but now we're even.

"W-what the hell is happening? How did you become so strong? A mere half-breed dares to-" He yelled but I cut him off as I shove my hand on his mouth to shut him off and slammed him on the ground. He was trying to get up when I quickly stomped my foot on his neck and grab both his arms. With immense force, I tried to detach both his arms.

'Stop it Aurora. Control yourself.'

I suddenly stopped when a different voice spoke in my head. This gives Zeyd the opportunity to strike back. He bit my shoulder and I screamed at the pain. He threw me against the tree and I hit my head. Black spots began to cloud my vision. I tried to stand up but failed miserably. He begins to charge at me and I just pathetically wait for my death.

I closed my eyes as I wait for the pain but nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw that Zeyd was on the floor and Cassius' back was in front of me. I thought I was dead and that Zeyd gave me a quick death but since I can feel the pain in my body, I'm pretty much alive.

"C-Cassius-" I crawled but I can't move too long since the pain is unbearable.

"Mia! Don't move, you're losing too much blood." Hans said and went to my aid. A few soldiers also came and I smiled at their amazing timing but it was not the time to be glad.

"Hans, don't l-let Cassius kill Z-Zeyd." I said and tried to stand up. He helped me to stand up even though it was painful, I still did it. I looked at Hans and he has a horrid expression.

"This is bad, he's going to shift. He'll kill Zeyd at this rate. We've got to stop him." He said frightfully and kept his gaze on Cassius. To think that Hans is afraid of something.

I looked at what he was looking and I saw Cassius starting to shift slowly. His fangs were out and his nails became sharp like claws. The green eyes that I loved so much turned black. I've never been afraid but when I saw him like this, it made me freeze in my place. He gripped Zeyd's neck in one hand and pinned him to the ground.

'He's killing him, Mia.' Rain said making me snap out of my frozen state.

Cassius is killing him but no one is stopping him. I bit my lip and ignored the excruciating pain as I stood up and walked toward him.

"Mia wait! You're going to get yourself killed. Cassius isn't himself right now." Hans called out to me and grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"If no one is going to stop him, then who will?" I said and smiled sadly. He let go of and I continued to walk toward him. "Cassius stop!" I called out to him but he was not listening. It's like his body is here but his mind is elsewhere.

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