15: Nothing Beats Procrastination On A Nice Weather.

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It's already been three weeks since we received the death threat and how I found out that Cassius is actually royalty and not just a title and also about his curse. It was a shocking revelation to me and it took me a lot of time to fully understand it.

I already met Callum's parents and they were really kind and understanding. They thanked me a lot for saving their son. The Luna even cried a lot in front of me so the Alpha had to excuse themselves.

The reason why Cassius was here in the states for the past five months is something to do with searching for his aethyraz, which he already found trespassing his borders and something to do with an investigation of a problem they had in France. He won't tell me what it was though.

I also just found out that his surname isn't actually Pearson, it was his mother's. His name is Lionel Cassius Pearson Donello. He is called Cassius Pearson in public but his parents and the people closest to him call him Lionel but only in private. It's in their tradition to keep the first name sacred. Something about a gift from the goddess herself.

It's been three weeks since everyone was on edge and me? Well, let's just say I'm having the time of my life eating a tub of ice cream while watching Netflix. When everyone was so busy, I was busy laughing my ass off. Since Cassius has been busy, I've been busy with Netflix too. So, I did the same by ignoring him.

Nothing beats procrastination on a nice weather.

Venus is always not with me since she's busy spying with her aethyraz. She told me that there was something wrong with Zeyd after what happened in the forest. I didn't think there was something wrong with him and then again, I only knew him for three weeks while she knows him longer. I was in the good part of the movie when Venus sat beside me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she took my ice cream.

"It's Zeyd." she said with a sad voice.

"Again? I don't think there is something wrong with him. Hans and Cassius don't think so too." she shook her head.

"Of course, they wouldn't know. I know if there is something different about him because he's my aethyraz. He was kind and sweet but right now? He's really cold. He wouldn't talk to me and he's always at the library every night." she said and tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"Wait what? What is he doing at the library?" I asked her.

"He was searching for a book. He was kind of in a rush and annoyed to the point where he threw all the books that he doesn't need." I bit my nail, trying to think what could Zeyd be searching for in the library.

"Don't worry Ven. Everything's going to be all right. I promise." I said and hugged her to comfort her.


I've been spying on Zeyd the whole day to find out if there is something suspicious about him. So far, nothing seems weird happening around him or him. If I want answers, I need to suck all my pride up and talk to him...Cassius.

It's evening and I'm standing in front of his office right now and I'm debating whether I should enter his office or chicken out. I pick the latter. I mean, sometimes you need to actually back out of it too you know. Not all first option is a good idea. I have pride to take care of.

Just as I was about to leave, he called out for me. "Come in, Amelia." he called out from behind these two big doors in front of me. I mentally cursed and opened the door slowly. I took a peek inside and saw that he was busy sorting out some papers.

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