3: Caught

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I've been on a run for two days already. The reason why I was here for two days, is because I'm lost. As pathetic as it is, I have no sense of direction. I have taken a quick break but continue to run again when I hear a faint howl. I guess, they concluded that I'm a threat considering the search party they were having. I can picture the wicked smile of the Tyrant King at this hide-and-seek.

When it was almost nighttime, I stopped at a small cave. I scanned the area if there are animals, insects, or whatever there is hiding in there, and surprisingly, there are none. I put my bag on the ground together with my chargeable lamplight. I stood up just a few inches from the outside and began to pour the potion. This is my last potion already so I really need to get out of this place.

I went inside and grab a sleeping bag from my bag. I looked at the time and it was already midnight so I tucked in my sleeping bag. I turned to look at the light as a memory flashed. A painful memory I wished to forget yet engraved in my heart and mind. I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.


I woke up to the sound of footsteps nearby. I heard three- no five footsteps. I hurriedly packed my things and put out the light. The barrier is still there but I need to be as quiet as possible to avoid unwanted attention. The barrier will help me become invisible but it cannot block any noise or other things such as the lights that's why I turned it off.

It was already late. I probably slept the whole day. I tip-toed, careful not to step on a twig or something, near the entrance of the cave. I peeked outside and found five rogues. It wasn't the King's people who were searching for me but rogues.

How come rogues are here? Did they find me?

I was about to go back when I heard a child's whimper. They were dragging a child who was slightly beaten up and there are scratches everywhere. This made me angry but I can't help the kid because if I do, I'll risk my cover.

Damn it! Where the f*ck are those pack warriors? And what the hell is Pearson doing?!

"Quiet you mutt or I'll kill you!" A gruff-looking rogue spat at the child. The kid only cried even louder so he slapped him hard which made him stumble on the ground.

"That does it!" I stormed out of the cave and faced those rogues.

"How cliche can you bastards be? Taking an innocent child as a hostage." I spat at them. I'm trying to control my anger but it doesn't seem to last.

"Stay out of this, little girl. You haven't got a clue as to who this mutt is." I release a low growl that caught their attention. They're surprised to hear me growl when they smell nothing on me.

"And you haven't got a clue as to who this little girl is so if I were you, you better let go of that child or you'll end up dead." I snarled at them but they only smirked.

"Hmph! A weakling like you doesn't stand a chance against us. There are five of us and you're on your own." A rogue who has a scar on his left eye said. I was about to retort back when the kid beat me to it.

"My uncle will find you and he will kill you." he spat. For a kid, he's got spunk.

"Shut the fuck up!" the guy said and slapped the kid with the use of the back of his hand. This made me very angry and before I knew it, my eyes change color and all I see is red.

In just a blink of an eye, I was already in front of the scarred guy. I grab his neck and pinned him against the tree. The others were about to shift but I beat them to it as I threw eight silver knives at them. I hit most of the vital parts of the body and they fall limp on the ground, lifeless. I turned to look at the guy with the scar but he swung his knife at my face. Good thing I have quick reflexes and I was able to dodge serious damage. I immediately let go of him. The knife cuts my left cheek but it wasn't too deep, only for the blood to ooze a little. I wipe the blood on my cheek and smirked at the guy.

"It's been so long since someone managed to cut my face." I said.

"Well I'm glad I did the honors in doing so." he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him and grab a knife at a rogue's dead body.

"Come on now, let's test your skills." I said and did my defensive pose. He smirked and did the same. He was the first one to move and came rushing towards me to attack. I gave him my signature evil smirk and everything seems to be stuck in slow motion as I throw my knife between his eyes. He falls limp on the ground as blood ooze from his forehead. "I'm not in the mood to have fun so you're damn unlucky." I said and closed his eyes.

I saw the kid curled up into a ball and whimpering. I went towards him and crouched. I poked his arms which made him flinch. I caressed his face and whispered soothing words.

"It's okay bud. No one's gonna hurt you. They're gone now." I said soothingly. He slowly opened his eyes and I gave him a big smile to assure him.

"R-really?" he stuttered.

"Yeah. Come on bud, let's get you home. Can you stand up?" I asked him. I helped him to stand up.

"It's weird. How come I don't feel any pain?" he asked and looked at his body. He widened his eyes upon seeing the wounds slowly disappearing. "Woah! Did I just heal myself? I don't even have my wolf yet!" he said sounding very amused and shocked. He quickly stood up but fell down immediately. I chuckled a bit and positioned my back in front of him.

"You're not fully healed yet so I'm gonna give you a piggyback ride." I said and he quickly wraps his arms around my neck. I stood up while carrying him on my back and started to walk off.

Surprisingly, this kid knows the way back to his pack house despite it being so far and not to mention he was kidnapped. I speed up while I masked our scent since I picked up a few wolves approaching us. As I saw a bit of the view of the pack house, I drop the kid off gently.

"Sorry bud, but this is as far as I can go. Someone is going to come and get you and I need to disappear before they arrive since I'm a rogue and I don't want to be killed." he widened his eyes.

"You don't smell like one." he said.

"That is because I masked my scent." I flinch a bit when I heard them running a couple of meters away from us. "I need to run bud-"

"Wait! My father and uncle will let you go if you explain to them." he pleaded. I smiled at him sadly. I assume his father is the alpha here.

"I hardly doubt that." I said and disappeared. I ran away from the kid. I was a fair distance away from him when I was suddenly thrown at a tree. I winced as my back hit the wood. I slowly get up and faced those two guys I met at the diner. Great, just great.

"I knew there was something weird about you. You're a rogue." the left said.

"State your business here, rogue. Better choose your words carefully or I'll kill you." the right said, full of authority. I smirked evilly at them and showed them my knife.

"Why I'm here to kill your king." just like that, I was grabbed by the neck and pinned against the tree, my feet were barely touching the ground. I didn't flinch or react to what he did. Instead, I remained emotionless- well, actually, I was about to laugh. These people can't take a joke.

"Uncle Zeyd don't! Don't hurt her! She saved me from those bad rogues." the kid shouted and clings to the right's waist. So the right's name is Zeyd.

This made him loosen his grip so I took this chance and kick his knee which made him let go. I was about to run but the left blocked my way.

"Don't forget I'm still here." he said. I glared at him but it was soon replaced by shock when I felt cold metal on my hands.

They fucking handcuffed me! Handcuffed!

"Now, if you go with us silently, his majesty might let you go," Zeyd said. He moved closer to me and whispered in my ear. "But that will never happen even if you joke about killing him." he said and pushed me. I hissed at him but began to walk toward hell.

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