6: Dinner With The Predators

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My stomach really just had to get some airtime. Such an attention seeker. Why can't it make a sound when I'm alone? And it had to be loud and unladylike.

"My dear, when was the last time you ate?" Marjorie asked surprised and concerned in her voice. When was the last time I ate?

"My last meal, I think, was three days ago?" I said and laughed awkwardly. She gasped and took my hand. She dragged me down the hallway all of a sudden.

"Oh my gosh! Cassius should have fed you earlier instead of interrogating you. My! What has gotten into that boy's mind? Remind me to scold him later." she ranted. I giggled at her for being worried. The way he called Cassius' name is like a mother who is about to scold her son. I guess she raised him when he was little as a substitute for his parents who passed away.

As we were walking the hallways, I saw pictures of previous alphas and lunas hanging on the wall. We reached the last portrait before turning left. The last portrait was a picture of the current alpha and luna and their three children. I saw Callum being carried by her mother who was sitting and a little girl on her left, the alpha on her right, and a young boy standing beside the alpha. As Callum grew up a bit, I can see the resemblance he has to her mother but his eyes are from his dad. He's gonna be a fine man when he grows up.

"Hey Marjorie, I haven't seen the Alpha, Luna, or Callum's siblings when I came here." I asked her as we were still walking.

"Oh! The alpha and luna went to take care of some business along with their heir, young master Rainier. They will be here tomorrow. As for young lady Catherine, she's currently studying abroad at an all-girls school in England." she said and we stopped in front of a large double door.

Now, it's time for dinner with the predators.

Marjorie opened the two large double doors and revealed a large room with a very long table and a large chandelier hanging above the ceiling. It was so grand that the way it shines 'rich' hurts my peasant's eyes. Not even the villa, owned by Uncle Klaus, where I used to stay is this grand. Despite the vampires taking pride in their luxuries.

Each side of the room was covered with a very large red curtain with gold embroiders. I marveled at the beauty that I didn't even realize Marjorie let me sit at the chair next to Cassius. Cassius is like the head here so it's obvious that he gets to sit at the end of the table even though he's not the alpha. But since this is a branch pack and he is like the alpha of the main pack, he gets to sit at the end of the table. On his right was Zeyd and beside him was Venus who waved at me. Opposite them is where I was seated beside Cassius. Callum sat next to me with a smile and beside him was that left hand who also smiled at me.

But the thing is, where is Cassius?

"Err...where's Cassius?" I whispered to Callum.

I spoke too soon as the door opened and Cassius entered all dignified and elegant. The first thing he did was locked eyes with me. I did a full five seconds then looked away since I'm quite embarrassed.

He sat on the chair and I'm still avoiding eye contact with him. Although I can feel that heated gaze on me, I choose to ignore them. Marjorie handed me a cold chocolate drink which I requested and I whispered a 'thank you'. I really needed those sugar since I'd wasted a lot of my energy for the past couple of days.

"You better fill up your plate with lots of food now, okay?" Marjorie said and I nod my head, embarrassed about what happened earlier.

"Mia is not that thin, nana Marj." Venus spoke.

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