4: The King's Aethyraz

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I stomped my foot like a kid who is on a tantrum. Every time I stop, the right pushes me to walk and every time I tried to escape, the left would block my way so I really don't have much of a choice other than to face my death. I couldn't even defend myself since the right took my knife. But it's weird though, I don't feel scared. Instead, I feel uneasy like there's something about to happen. Well, yeah I'm gonna die but there is something else. Well, I better just go with the flow and see for myself then.

'Amelia.' the voice in my head suddenly spoke.

'Rain, so you finally decided to talk to me after I arrived here?' I said to it.

Rain is not my wolf. If I cannot shift, it means I don't have a wolf. I also feel like it is not a wolf the moment it introduced itself to me since a normal werewolf begins to communicate when they turn ten and I begin to hear this voice the moment I was born. I knew since talking to it became natural to me as I grow. I can already understand it as easily as blinking my eyes. I told my mom about it but she told me it was natural since I was born special.

I don't know if this voice is from a female or male. It changes every time it spoke to me. Sometimes, it spoke in a very feminine voice, sometimes a raspy male voice, sometimes a kid, sometimes an elderly, etc. I even thought I had multiple personalities but of course, the voice in my head said that it was only one. It only used different voices.

'I'm sorry Mia. I just don't like the idea of coming here.' Rain replied.

'It's okay, just don't do it again because I feel the same way too and now I'm gonna die.' I chuckled painfully.

'You're not gonna die Mia.'

'What makes you so sure about that?'

'I just feel like something different is about to happen. Something that involves the prophecy.'

'Prophecy? What prophecy?' I asked but it suddenly cut off our mind link. It always does that, cutting off the most important stuff. We are nearing the pack house and the kid held unto my hand and smiled at me.

"Hey, I forgot to ask your name bud." I said and smiled back.

"I'm Callum. How about you?"

"My name's Amelia but you can call me Amelia or Mia." I said and he giggled.

"I'll call you Amy." He said and gave me a toothy grin but not complete since there are two missing at the upper center. This kid is the second one to call me that.

"We're here." the right suddenly said. I looked at the pack house and my eyes widened at the sight. Calling it a house is an understatement.

We stop at a huge- no, massive mansion. It's really big and large and it has a fountain at the center. Don't get me started with the one-kilometer path from the gate to the mansion. If this is the size of the branch pack then how massive is the main one in France?

"His Majesty wishes to speak to her alone." he said and grab my arm but Callum stopped him.

"I'm going with her." he said. The left picked him up and he struggled to break free.

"Don't worry Cally, I'll see you later." I said and began to walk with the right in front of me.

"Good luck!" the left said and waved at me. We walked through what looked like a ballroom and into an elevator.

They have a freaking elevator!

While we're inside the elevator, I can't help but feel uneasy. Like I was being pulled into something. It's making me go mad and my senses seemed to heighten. I didn't even realize that we stopped. The door opened and I could see a lot of people walking down the hallway. They bowed their heads upon seeing the right but when they saw me, they growled lowly and some guys are protecting their mates while giving off a defensive stance. I rolled my eyes at them and continued walking with the right, who was now beside me, glaring at the people.

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