12: Caduta Del Fenice

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We ran deep into the forest and followed the growls and the voices of men fighting. We finally reached them and I can see dead bodies everywhere but it wasn't ours, it was the rogues'. Casper almost threw up upon seeing the bodies. It must really be his first time seeing fresh dead bodies.

I saw a dagger, coated with silver, near the dead rogue's body and I took it. I fought with some rogues in their wolf form while Casper's back was behind me with a weapon in his hand and a defensive stance. We fought with the rogues while supporting each other's backs. Casper was pretty good for a trainee though. The only thing that's in the way is his timid attitude.

I saw Cassius from my peripheral view and I can already feel him raging with fury. He was walking dangerously slow toward me and I was prepared to face him when my eyes caught something.

A rogue wolf leaped towards Casper, ready to bite him off, but he was too busy to notice and I was too far away from him so without a second thought, I ran towards the rogue with lightning speed in a mere second. It looks more like teleportation in the eyes of someone but what I did was boost my feet with fire and sprint with maximum speed to reach the rogue.

I then grab the rogue's leg and pulled him before his canines could tear Casper's head off. I slammed the rogue hard on the tree, making the tree fall and the wolf go limp. I pressed its neck firmly against the tree until his lack of air made him unconscious and shifted back to his human form.

Shit, I used my power.

I look at Casper and saw that he was fine but his eyes widened upon witnessing what I just did and so are the others who witnessed it. Well, I can't blame them. It's not every day you saw someone who looked like they teleport or something or how Fire suddenly went out from my feet and with monstrous strength, without shifting, than any creature. Heck! I can even match my strength with Cassius' and that ain't good.

Now they are gonna think I'm some weird unknown species.

I saw Cassius walking toward me with an angry face. I walk backward every time he stepped forward until my back hits the tree. I thought he was going to grab me harshly and drag me to the packhouse but he didn't. Instead, he hugged me. I looked at him and saw his eyes soften and sighed with relief.

"You're going to be the death of me. " He said softly while looking into my eyes. I teared up a bit and hugged him back.

"I want that rogue in the cells for questioning." He ordered one of the warriors. He was referring to the guy I defeated since he's the only one who is alive.

He lifts me up and carried me bridal style while he walked us to the mansion. He did this since I wasn't wearing any shoes. I mean it was burned the moment fire engulfed my feet. It's kind of embarrassing though, being carried by him while walking since people are watching us as we pass by.

"Cassius, please don't get angry with the boy. I was the one who drag him and he didn't have a choice." I said to him.

"I gave him orders, Amelia." he said and clenched his jaw.

"Yeah, but I ordered him for us to join the battle. Please, Cassius? He's only a child after all." I pleaded while giving him my puppy eyes. He looked at me and sighed.

"Fine." I squealed in delight and kissed him on the cheek. I didn't even realize I did that. He tensed at what I did while I blushed violently. He found my state amusing and a smirk formed on his lips.

"Stop looking." I grumbled and he smirked.

"You're really cute when you blush." he teased me.

"Don't even think your flirting can make me forgive you for not letting me join in the fight." I said and poked his chest.

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