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Amy cries when she realizes that the rocks below her skinned her when he pushed her into the mud, rocks below it. The skin on her elbows and knees are completely scraped off and are bleeding now. Her outfit completely destroyed.

"What's the big deal Amy? I just pushed you, it's not that big of a deal. You were pretty annoying too because you kept staring at me for no reason, it's probably because you have a crush on me, ew gross!" 

Sonic begins to run around the playground yelling out about how Amy has a huge crush on him and that he'll get cooties. Amy slowly steadies herself as she gets up out of the slippery, dirty mud she was pushed into. It happened where there were no teachers nearby so even if she wanted to tell someone, they would just think that she is clumsy and that she tripped and feel into the filthy mud and is just upset about how Sonic didn't have a crush on her like she did him. The whole school knew about her feelings for him after all, even the teachers. She begins her walk to her class when the class bell rings for the kids to come in. When Amy walks into her grade 5 classroom, everyone, including the teacher turns around and stares at her in surprise. Sonic chuckles softly.

"Oh dear my poor Amy! What happened to you?!?"

Mrs. Crosky asks in concern as she approaches the muddy carnation pink hedgehog as Amy cries softly. She looked up at Mrs. Crosky. She knew that what happened would be denied by everyone in the classroom so she decided to stay quiet. She walked to her desk and sat down. A small bit of dried up dirt crumbled from her hair and fell on the floor.

"Amy, I will not allow you to be hurt in my classroom. The least I can do is help you get cleaned up."

Mrs. Crosky gently takes the hedgehog's small hand and leads her to the locker rooms where the showers are.

"So my dear Amy, what happened this lunch break?"

She asks as she walks her down the hallway. Amy looked up at her, sniffling.

"S-Sonic pushed me into the mud, and he ruined the dress that my mommy bought me.."

Amy confesses this to the teacher because she doesn't have to be afraid of what the class would have to say to her, them knowing her not so secret crush on the blue hedgehog with the red sneakers.

"He pushed you? Well, he will definitely be hearing from me after you're clean."

Amy knew that her teacher was very stubborn and did not accept bullying in any way, shape, or form. All Amy did was look down to the ground in embarrassment.

"Mrs. Crosky, I know you like to do the thing where you become dramatic and confront a bully in front of the class but please don't do it with this, Sonic knows about my crush on him, and the moment you ask him about what he did today, he will scream about me liking him to the whole class in order for them to forget about what he did to me."

Amy walks through the entryway to the showers and closes the door behind her. As soon as that door closes, more tears begin to fall from her eyes. She feels really bad about staring at him like a psychopath earlier, but she thought it would be fine because he told her to stop chasing him around the playground, drawing attention to the two of them. When she would chase him around the playground, he seemed to get shy and run away in order to hide his feelings, this is why some few students that attended Chaoschool Elementary knew about his low key crush on her. She didn't think that he liked her tho, if anything she thought he hated her. Hate. Hate is a strong word but she decided it was suitable for the way he treated her.


Later that night after school had ended. Amy sat at the dinner table with her two parents as they ate supper. She picked at her food in a depressing way. Her parents noticed and decided to spark up a conversation with her.

"So Amy. We got a call from Mrs. Crosky today, about that Sonic kid. He's been doing some pretty mean things to you lately hasn't he?"

Amy doesn't reply, she decides to continue poking and playing with the vegetables and mashed potatoes on her plate. She formed the potatoes into a volcano shape and poured more gravy into the middle.

"So Amy." Her mom continued. "Your father stopped by the school after he got off of work today, he spoke with your principal. They both agreed that the best decision for this is to move to another city and change your schools. We were also told that this has been happening since last year and that it has only gotten worse. We've seen your grade skydive to the bottom as well."

Amy responds with a sigh. She agrees with her parents and she wants to change schools.


A few weeks later, Sonic is on his morning run, passing through the winding roads and huge trees when he notices something weird about Amy's house. Cream, Blaze, Rouge, Cosmo, and Maria surround a huge moving truck in front of the mansion and he notices them hugging Amy. She gets into a truck and waves goodbye to her friends. The truck drives off.

Sonic runs over.

"What happened?"

Sonic asks, confused. They all turn to look and him and give him a dirty look and walk away, they do not answer his question.

After they disappear around the end of the street. Tails flies over to inform Sonic with what happened.

"Sonic. Amy moved away, and the reason why she moved away was because of you and your bullying her for the last two years. She had lost all of her confidence in herself and decided that enough was enough. I'll talk to you later, bye."

Tails twisted his tails and flew off into the distance, leaving Sonic alone to deal with the guilt of the depression of a 5th grader.

End of chapter 1

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