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Amy was bored. She was sitting on her bed with her phone in her hand, scrolling through her Instagram feed as she took a deep sigh and lied down on her soft bed. Her back had been in pain lately, it was more or less near the bottom though so she just assumed it was early period cramps.

As the days went on, she was finding that her back began to hurt even worse, and she could crack her back all the time. Her phone rang.

When she looked to her phone, she was getting a call from him. Ugh, sonic. She rolled her eyes in disbelief and disgust. She answered and held the phone up to her ear.

"What do you want, Sonic? I thought I made it clear to you that I wanted nothing to do with you. Like do you really expect me to even like you in the slightest bit after everything you did to me in the past? Like I know that someone like you will never change."

"I know Amy, I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you right now. I'm really bored and since you're probably at home right now you're bored as well." He answered.

She rolled her eyes once more. Deep down in her heart she wanted to give him a second chance for what he did just to see if he had changed at all, but her head was telling her that was the completely wrong thing to do for the time being.

She hung up and threw her phone to the side. And a few seconds later, the call appeared once more and once again it was Sonic, but this time she did not answer. Suddenly, her back exploded with a harsh pain that she couldn't describe.

It was a deep ache, as if she was getting a needle jabbed into her spine. She held her side and lied down again, this time in pain. She yelled for her mom to come upstairs. And when she came upstairs to see what was wrong with Amy, she recommended to go to the hospital. After all, she could of even had a misplaced disk in her lower spine that later moved and caused this immense pain.

When they got to the hospital and the doctor came in, he asked her to sit on the checkup table and lean forward. He then looked straight up through her spine and informed them that it appeared she had scoliosis and that she would need x-rays just to be sure how far it had progressed. They confirmed that the curve was about 14.9 degrees which is minimal spine movement. The doctor recommended that she comes back in 6 months for another x-ray to check the progression rate, if it was progressing at all.


Later that night, she told everyone the news about her discovery. As normal, they were very upset but cream confirmed that her mom has scoliosis and is in a lot of pain. Cream then assured her to not panic because one in severe cases of scoliosis would your spine begin to affect the nerves in your leg or arms.

Amy was worried. She knows that this pain is chronic unless she gets surgery to correct the curve. But they would only recommend surgery if it is 45 degrees plus. Her phone rang. Sonic, again. This time she answered it. Sonic was still dating Sally at this point because he decided to give her another chance which was stupid. Amy couldn't exactly figure out why but Sonic seemed to keep finding excuses to talk to her. He'll, he talked to her more than he did Sally.

Sonic has always had anger issues and his home wasn't exactly the best, his dad being a chronic drinker and had dated an abuse ex girlfriend who would beat on Sonic whenever he made the slightest thing such as not looking her in the eyes while she was speaking to him. But after he got older and grew, she got scared and left his dad.

Amy couldn't help but feel bad. Sonic didn't exactly have a mother figure either throughout his life since she was addicted to drugs at a young age and left him continuously. Because of Sonic's anger issues, he would FaceTime Amy and show her the holes he had punched and kicked around his house in the drywall. They would laugh about stupid things and sooner or later Amy began to fall for the hedgehog.

End of chapter 6

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