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Amy was bored. She remembered this day very clearly and all of the emotions that overcome her. She loved Sonic, but all of the bullshit that was happening between them at the moment was drifting them apart and there was no way to stop it, or at the very least change it. She missed him, and she knew he missed her too, even if he was upset towards her.

Every so often this feeling would come about to her. She couldn't figure out what it was, but it definitely made her feel lonely. A sense of guilt, or the thought of Sonic not loving her anymore or him being with someone else would come through her head every few minutes. It just made her feel sad and tired. She didn't want to call it depression, most people with depression suffer with it like she did with her chronic scoliosis. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to suffer with being sad everyday like some people would. No way to stop it, just like the curve in her spine.

I guess she understood how it was, in a way. How chronic scoliosis is much like depression. But scoliosis just didn't contain the sadness, and the lack of motivation. But they were both chronic illnesses. She had read up online an article how scoliosis can affect mental health. If the curve gets big enough, you're considered to have a deformed torso. You can't win no matter what you do. And going up the stairs exhausted her, of course, whenever she would complain to her friends about it they would shrug it off. She didn't blame them though, the only way anyone would ever understand how she was feeling was if they had her condition themselves. Just like how she cannot fully understand what it is like to have depression, or to be gay or even to have anxiety.

That's probably why there is so much fighting on this earth, because no one will ever truly understand each other.

Showering for long periods of time will bring about these kinds of thoughts, also the people who take longer showers tend to be lonelier in their own different ways.


She sat at her dinner table with her parents, picking at her mashed potatoes and roast beef. Her parents looked towards her.

"Amy, your father and I have decided that we're finally going to move into town. We have already made an agreement with a realtor who will show our house to some interested people."

Amy looked up, she had always liked the idea of moving into town, it wouldn't be such a long walk to her friends houses if her parents couldn't drive her. And if her and Sonic were to get back together, the walk wouldn't be so far away if she went there in the middle of the night. These thoughts went through her head, although she wasn't sure if her and Sonic would ever be together again. That hit her hard.


That night, she stared at the ceiling. She was lost in her thoughts and she couldn't escape them.

'I should be laying next to Sonic right now.' It was all that she could think about.

When she slept alone, it never felt right. She needed him next to her, wrapping her in his warm embrace as if they were looking at the starts during those beautiful nights. Those nights that seemed to pass so quickly, the ones where they would stay up until 6am playing video games and star gazing, even running through random farmers fields late at night when no one was on watch. She remembered his laughs and all of the joy that it brought her. And when they would run to the bridge and take pictures in front of he crimson sunset with the cars passing beneath them.

But yet, here she was. Laying in her bed, lonely and wishing he would someday find a way to return.

End of chapter 24

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