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Amy was back at home. It was about 7:00pm right now and she left the tri leisure around 4:00pm. She was bored.

Suddenly, her phone got a text.

It was Sonic. It was a bit weird to see his name on her phone again after those few months of not seeing it. "Hey" it said.

She opened her phone and answered it.

"Hey" she responded. She sees the speech bubble appear.

"You have my hoodie😂" it said.

She smiles. "I know lol"

He answers "lmao can we hangout tomorrow"

She answers "I don't think so but on Monday after school I'll be able to most likely. I could probably just walk to your house. Where do you live?"

He answers "I live by the macs store you can just head there and wait for me there."

She laughs. This is the first time she's ever actually gotten along this well with a guy. Amy was kind of a tomboy in the early years of her life, but as she's been getting older she has been maturing and she's been getting into more girly things. Like having her bed a pretty and fluffy white and the "white girl" room aesthetic.

She looks down at her phone again. Another text.

"I'm gonna call you hold up one second."

She smiles.


About a minute later she gets a call from him. She answers. It's a video chat, so she didn't exactly know what his intentions were. She sees him and she smiles and says hi.

The next thing she knew she was naked, showing herself to him. She couldn't believe she felt this comfortable with showing someone like this the first night. He asked her if she wanted to be with him. She of course said yes.

They stayed up until about 1 and the next day she went to school. Everything at school was normal and after school she began to feel nervous. At 2:30pm Sonic texted her and told her that she can come over. She grabbed her bag and walked 10 minutes down to the macs store where he told her to wait there for her.

After about 5 minutes of her waiting for him, she saw him walk by in the window and look at her. She came out and they began to walk back to where he lived. When the got to the side area of the macs store..


He said, turning around.

She looked up at him with a questioning look on her face. Wondering why he told her to wait.

He walked up to Amy and gave her a warm hug. It was snowing out and it felt really nice to have someone as big as Sonic compared to her to hug her. She held him close as well. And he leaned in and kissed her.

Her first real kiss.. taken by the person she wanted.

They walked another 2 minutes to his house. He lived in a white sectioned kind of duplex thing, but there were like 10 house all connected to each other. The whole area was like that. When she walked in through the entrance of his home. It smelled of smoke and liquor. But she thought nothing of it because she knew what his dad was like.

They went upstairs and entered Sonic's room. His room was kind of messy but she thought nothing of it. He had a blue patterned blanket and the sheets were camouflage. He let her make herself at home and she lied down on the bed and checked her phone. He sat next to her and put his hand on her breast.

She looked up at Sonic. And he gave her a smile.

"I'm really nervous."

He said, chuckling.

Amy put her left hand on the back on Sonic's neck and pulled him in for another kiss. He flipped her over onto her stomach and she pulled her pants and panties down. He pushed his fingers into her without warning. She was painfully tight. This made Sonic get really hard and he positioned himself after he lubed himself up. Then, he pushed in.

End of chapter 11

A Wilted RoseWhere stories live. Discover now