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'She's too far gone'

She walked into the halls of Beacon Hills High for the first time.

Head high and not once looking anyone in the eyes.

Her straight long blonde hair fell down naturally, brushing the top of her hips.

"Excuse me i've enrolled to this school and I need my schedule." She said in a monotone to the old lady that sat at the front office. The lady eyed her skeptically.

She bit her tongue."Where's my manners. Please." She said obviously not meaning a word.

The lady put her glasses on the tip of her nose bringing out a black book."Name?"

"Eliza." She said simply.

The women raised her eyebrow at her waiting impatiently.

"It's Eliza and its all you need to know."She said simply.

"You probably don't understand, the school needs your last name, it's an obvious law." The lady said already getting frustrated with Eliza.

Eliza grabbed the pen from the lady and turned the Black Book towards her and wrote down her name.


She handed the lady back the pen and simply walked off.

Introduction oh how she hates them.

She pulled out her schedule from her back pocket. She smirked at her self, she's always was so sly.

Eliza entered her class without knocking. All eyes turned to her but she didn't even react, her face was neutral the entire time.

"You must be the new student that transferred from Devenford Prep right."

Eliza didn't answer the man, but glanced at his shirt which said Coach on it.

She gave him her schedule to him letting out a sigh.

"Eliza,Eliza." The coach read out confusingly.

"Stupid school must have messed up my name." She dramatically remarked.

"Yea, ok, please take a seat beside Garrett, Garrett raise your hand!" The coach let out obnoxiously.

A blonde haired kid with soft blue eyes and lightly tanned skin raised his hand.

"Great i'm sitting beside Barbie's boyfriend. Ken." She mutters to herself but no one heard her.

She sat down on her chair whilst looking around. She decided to do something she loved doing.


People in fact, she loved to analyse them, she was fascinated with humans. How they reacted to things, how obvious they can be and cold hearted.

She decided on Ken or Garrett as coach called him.

He was a pretty face, face of an innocent, but there was something dark and twisted there. He was fiddling with his hands. He was nervous, Eliza stated in her head, but his expression remained passive so he's been feeling this way for a while, and had been good at hiding whatever it was bothering him.

Eliza noticed him glancing at his phone which was on his desk in front of him. He's waiting for a call Eliza stated. The tapping of his feet showed that he was getting agitated and had been waiting long. Who is it he's waiting for?A girlfriend?, best friend?, his mother? because everyone know's you should never miss a call from your mother.

The bell interrupted her train of thought that she almost jumped. 'Don't get distracted' she thought to herself.

She hasn't even met her assignment yet. She pulled out a brown folder, that has all the information she needed about her assigment.

Liam Dunbar.

It read at the top. "Suffers from I.E.D" She muttered under her breath. Great she's basically on a suicide mission, but she could handle one little human.

She was surprised to see he actually did transfer from Devenford Prep but she's never met him before. Not that she would be able to, she was always at training or at a pack meeting.

"I didn't come here to make friends, so I don't know why your even talking to me." Eliza said getting frustrated and ready to tear the limbs out of this guy.

"But I'm Greenberg."

"And I don't care!."

"But you asked m-

"I asked you when your lacrosse practice was on, not asking to be friends." Eliza said through greeted teeth.

He took a while to answer so Eliza glared at him harder.

"Ok, ok, it's in five minutes."

Eliza smirked in accomplishment."Well then, you better get going." She said tapping his shoulder and flicking away the imaginary dirt.

Once he left she couldn't help but breath out in relief, his presence was never to come near her again.

She sat on the bleachers, grabbing her long hair to the side. Her phone beeped indicating she got a message.

'Target visualised yet'

The text read, she couldn't help but smile, he was such a dork.

'Right on it Brett.'


First chapter to She Wolf, No Interaction with Liam yet which I actually hate, I'm so bad at writing the first chapters but don't worry they will be in the next chapter. Or maybe chapter 3 that I just checked😁

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