✯Love runs out✯

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Enjoy Bliza's and Eliam's shippers and warning Long Chapter! Dedication at then end!

17;Time of Death

She hadn't woken up for days.

And every one was getting extremely confused and worried.

Deaton was even dumbfounded. He knew she was more affected because Garrett somehow knew she was a were jaguar and used a different type of wolfsbane, and also she had been stabbed twice that day also caused a problem.

Scott and Stiles were tired of Brett's and Liam's bickering. At all time they tried not have both of them in the same room together alone.

Even with Liam's I E D Brett still has the guts to anger Liam. It only irritated Liam more that Brett hadn't even left her side.

He found Brett so irrelevant and unnecessary that he swore he actually forgot his name at one point.

Liam's phone beeped as he opened the text to see it was a text message from Scott.

Brett and Deaton looked up at Liam in questioning. "Its Scott."

Deaton quickly nodded for him to go whilst Liam quickly reached the door of the vet.

He was surprised to see all of his pack outside the door, including Stiles he found profoundly irritating.

As Liam opened the door. He was shocked to see that night had fallen upon them. He spent so much of his time in the vet with Eliza he didn't notice.

"How did your PSAT's go?" Liam asked the juniors, not really caring for the answer but knew it was polite to ask.

Stile quickly casted him a death glare as his yes squinted in irritation. "How did your PSAT's go." Stiles mimicked, his voice sounding nothing like Liam's.

Liam furrowed his brow in confusion. He was just asking a question. Next time he wont even ask.

"Is she awake." Scott questioned Liam, a bit of hope laced in his voice like every other time he asked.

Liam sighed shaking his head slightly. Liam waited for what was coming, but when the smart remark didn't come he took a double check on his pack.

Malia was missing.

"Where's Malia?" He questioned Stiles, Scott and Kira.

During this time Malia would have add in her blunt remarks like. "I can try slapping her' Like damn girl violence never the answer.

Not always.

"Uh where's Malia." Stiles mimicked again narrowing his eyes at Liam emphasing her name. Liam slumped his shoulders in defeat.

Was he just asking the wrong questions at the wrong time. Or did Stiles really hate him.

"Eliza!" Brett's voice echoed through the vet as the pack followed his voice.

The pack return into the room to watch Eliza wide eyed.

"What happened?" She questioned frantically as her eyes surveyed the people in the room.

Her eyes caught Brett's as she frowned at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked, she wasn't being rude, Just asking a simple question.

Brett rolled his eyes, sighing out.

"How do you feel Eliza?" Deaton asked the long haired she wolf.

She suddenly felt relived as she knew Deaton once helped her. "Twice in one day. What's that like a world record?"

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