✯Outrun My Gun✯

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06; Muted

Missing Teen Wolf😭 read A/N Pic of Allie[Eliza] above.


'You can run, but you can't hide'

That son of a bitch.

For some reason, Liam wasn't going to tell me what happened last night when I was unconscious.

"Liam! tell me." I exclaimed, rushing to catch up with him. He didn't even seem to hear me as he kept on walking.

He suddenly halted at a stop, while I was to late and walked into Mason.

"Hey, what's going on." Mason chuckled as he steadied me.

"Your friend is an ass." I stated to Mason.

"Trust me, I know, he randomly ran three miles to school this morning." Mason states chuckling.

"Unless, he was running from something." I muttered under my breath, Mason didn't seem to hear me, but Liam did.

"What did you say." Liam's voice sounded demanding.

"I didn't say anything." I answered sweetly.

"Yes you did!."

Third POV

Liam swore he heard her say something, but why was she lying to him.

Liam got distracted, his eye catching a girl walking down the steps. He knew she was a junior, a very pretty one on that note. He watched as she unexpectedly trip, and fall to the ground.

Eliza scoffed at the sight, was this the McCall's stupid plan to get to Liam, no idiot would fall for that. Eliza ignored the feeling she got as she saw Liam run over to the girl.

They were having a little conversation as Eliza rolled her eyes at them. Mason watched Eliza amused by her reactions.

Eliza ears perked up at the mention of a party, there other lame attempt to lure Liam she thought.

Hold the hunters trigger, it seemed there is someone as stupid to fall for there lame plan as she heard Liam accept the offer.

She watched as Liam helped her up and she soon left. Eliza didn't have a reason to hate Kira, she new Kira was a fox but she only joined the McCall pack so it wasn't her fault for that incident happened with her sibling.

But now Eliza had a reason to hate her, even though she wasn't sure why she felt like a whole zoo just erupted in her stomach. If Liam falls for her, the plan will be ruined.

She assured herself, it was for the plan.

Eliza watched as Liam stared at Kira leaving swaying her hips. Eliza scoffed at the sight.

"What?" Liam turns around to Eliza, questioning her attitude.

"Nothing." She shrugged walking over to her locker.

Liam quickly followed her, confused by her change of mood, as Mason left them smiling as they rushed over together.

"What is it?" Liam asks, the now pissed off blonde, while she struggled to open her locker door.

Eliza was ignoring Liam, trying to get her locker combination in which was again refusing to open."uggh." She let out frustrated.

"Stupid locker." She muttered.

"What's wrong with it?" Liam asked confused.

"I don't know it's been, acting up all day."

"Here let me try." Liam offers.

Eliza nodded, making space for him.

Eliza watched intensely, as Liam held the locker handle, pulling at it, she was startled as she heard a loud 'Clunk' after, and watched Liam pull out the locker door off it's hinges.

Liam was in shock and froze a little before spinning around to Eliza's shocked face.

He smiled smugly at her trying hide his laughter.

Eliza also struggle to hold in her laughter.

Liam held out the locker door to Eliza, and that's when they both looked at each other and erupted in laughter.

Eliza never laughed so much in her life, she felt her eye began to tear up from laughing.

Students stared at them weirdly. Liam strangely holding a locker door and they were just laughing.

Once their laughter toned down. Liam couldn't help the smile on his face as he watched the blonde struggle to keep a straight face.

Liam was getting confused, he just met her yesterday and she was already messing with his head. One minute they are bickering than laughing and then talking like they knew each other forever.

Eliza knew she was kind of taking a liking to him, but what Brett told her was going through mind which made her stop laughing.

She knew it was because of Liam's werewolf strength, and from what she knew he has an ego, and he was probably thinking how strong he was.

He started to blush, when he decided to ask her something.

"Do you like parties?"


I don't even know why this chapter is shorter than my other ones it's just is.

That locker scene with Eliza and Liam was cute wasn't it?

Really excited for you guys to read the next chapter. I'll just let out a little teaser which is


That's it really. There is going to be a lot of characters involved in the next chapter and yea lot of cute scenes.

Random thought: Monkey emoji's are adorable. Enough said. 🙈🙉🙊

Update: Friday 26th September 2014

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