✯Something Wicked✯

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19; Monstrous

As Eliza walked past the dark road she noticed how she was walking past her old school Devenford Prep. She furrowed her brows in confusion scowling at her self for taking the longer way.

Her headache was long gone by now especially when she could no longer hear the music from the bonfire banging against her skull.

Suddenly little drops of water tapped against Eliza's forhead, she hesitantly looked up at the sky sighing in the defeat as it started pouring down faster. She could already feel puddles forming in her shoes. Eliza let one last sigh, at least things were going back to normal she commented in her head whilst she continued walking.

Things not going her way was Eliza's speciality and it was working perfectly for her right now.

As she walked on, she couldnt help but feel fear radiating off someone suggesting someone had to be close to her. She turned around to see a younger blonde girl running towards her. Eliza's eyes widen in realisation as the blonde came into view.

"Lori?" Eliza whispered in confusion.

"Eliza run!"

Eliza snapped her vision to see another familiar face." Brett?"

"Run." He yelled at her. Eliza quickly turned around doing as she was told, Lori ahead of her. The younger werwolf turned rounded a corner which ended them in Devenford Prep highschool. She headed toward the schools lacrosse field but heistanly stop. Eliza caught up to Lori as she stopped absolutey flabbergasted.

"What's going on!" Eliza yelled over the sound of the loud heavy rain. Lori didnt answer to out of breath. Before they knew it, Brett had pushed them to a corner.

Eliza stumbled as she held on to Brett's lether jacket he gave her a warning look to be quiet, but she didnt listen and demanded answers.

"What the hell is going on Brett!"

Brett took a bit of time to answer and he finally gave up. "Asassins." Brett breathed out.

Eliza eyes widen at the sudden realisation of what dangerous situation they were in. Eliza held on to Lori as she tried to control her breathing. She was caught off guard and her head seemed do jumbled up she knew she wouldn't able to fight as good as she was suppose to.

"What were you doing out here?" Brett couldnt help but ask her and before he knew it he was being pulled out by one of the assassins.

"Run!" Brett yelled at the two girls whilst Eliza heistate to do as she was told. Brett sent her cold glare and she quickly ran over to Lori both of them getting further away from the rough noises of the fight.

"Wait!" Eliza yelled towards Lori as she noticed they were going to the lacrosse field which was an open area and could easily have gotten caught by the assasins. But Lori kept on running an Eliza didn't have a choice to follow her.

Brett had already caught up to the girls pushing both of them behind him. Physically Eliza is probably stronger than Brett beacuse of the extra abilities being a were jaguar gave her, but she didnt mind somebody else being strong for her especially since Brett pratically forbid her from fighting

One by one the lights for the lacrosse field turned on illuminating around them. Lori's breathing hitched as she tugged closer to Brett and Eliza.

They both didnt react quickly to the fact an arrow was going to hit them at full speed, too in shock by the next move by the assasins. The loud clung noise of metal to metal rung in their ears as they both turned around in shock

"Kira?" Eliza questioned her head already hurting at the amount of unexplained things that just happened. That was Beacon hills for you and it seemed that Kira Yukimura just saved there life so Eliza's small dislike for her had instantly vanished, as she felt like she could finally breath.

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