✯She Devils Final Destination✯

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She Devils Final Destination

21;smoke and mirrors.

Eliza walked through the streets of Mexico, her arms crossed as she listened carefully to the plan.

Eliza didn't want to just pick up and leave without any explanation to her pack, but she had been literally asking for this. Since the day Eliza asked the Calaveras for help to train her, she knew they wouldn't do it for free.

Now she's paying back her conquenses."So why am I here?" Eliza finally asked as they assembled into a small room. Mexico was hot, so Eliza was in a simple shorts and blouse.

Araya smirked at the blonde, actual glad to have her back. She noticed that blonde seemed different but a good different. She no longer looked broken.

"There's war starting Eliza, we need your help. We've trained you to the best of your ability and we know you can be a great help especially with your link to our enemy."

Eliza furrowed her brows in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about your connection towards Kate Argent-"

"I don't-"

"I mean the fact your both were jaguars." Eliza kept silent as she let Araya continue.

"We need your help to capture Kate, she has been causing problems and she also has Scott McCall and Kira Yukimura capturrd." Eliza's eyes widen, never hearing the information before

"W-what that cant be right. I was just at their lacrosse game Scott-." Eliza quickly racked her brain if she actually had seen Scott or Kira at the lacrosse game but drew to a blank.

"Oh god" She breathed out in disbelief. "Kate has them? Why! Why is she doing this."

"Were soon going to find out Eliza but we need your help."

"T-this doesn't make sense I've recently spoken to Kate." Eliza exclaimed, as she let out a breath suddenly feeling very hot.

"Wait when?"

"She sent me a text." Eliza's eyes widen in realisation. "Oh my god, this is all my fault."

"What text Eliza." Araya demanded, Eliza quickly pulled out her phone pulling out the text and giving it to Araya.

• * •

"This is the place?" Eliza questioned as she looked at the wreckage of the church or La Iglesia as she could call it.

She felt the feeling in her chest tighten thinking about her pack at home and mostly Brett. She wouldn't be able to imagine the amazing date Brett would have planned for them.

She couldn't help but act like a total girl thinking about it but like always, things never went her away. When she was gaining one ounce of happiness it was ripped away from her before she could even smile.

Before she knew it gun shots rung out, hurting her sensitive ears. She faced up against a berserker throwing a few impressive punches but the berserkers were practically indestructible so she needed a few more.

The Berseker quickly gave Eliza scratch on her arm causing her to hiss. It healed as fast as it came, a scratch not left on her. Before she knew it the Berseker was pulled off by one of the Calaveras.

By now Eliza had fully shift, her were jaguar appearance looking more monstrous than normal werewolves. As the purple and green markings coloured her face.

Her blonde her prominent to her disguise. You could say that Eliza wasn't Eliza anymore and sure as hell didn't look like her.

"Give it up Araya!. Because were coming to kill you next." Kate yelled out, causing Eliza to run over to her in anger.

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