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Epilogue// Love me like you do.

Brett silently cursed again as he attempted to fix his lacrosse net for the eighth time.

But really he should have finished ten minutes ago, now he was just doing it out of frustration.

Eliza had been gone for two weeks. With no call, no text and Brett was beyond pissed.

She didn't answer any of his calls and he just stopped trying even if he so badly didn't want to.

And the fact Brett got told by Liam, that they were all in Mexico and she had made a deal and had to follow through with it, made him more pissed.

He just wanted to know if she was ok, and actually see it for himself not getting told by anyone.

He cursed again, as he mistakingly tore the net with his claws he didn't mean to retract. He couldn't focus on anything.

"Should I help with that?"

Brett took a sharp turn, nearly causing him a whiplash.

The second he saw her, he wanted to hug her and never let go but he also resulted in maybe ignoring her. Of course the latter shouldn't have even been an option.

"Eliza? What are you doing here?" Brett questioned as he stood up from his bed, a frown etched his features.

Eliza smiled back at him. She truly missed him and seeing him again, resurfaced more emotions towards him.

She missed his blue eyes, and the way he would always call her 'E'. She couldn't help but think this was his first time actually calling her Eliza. He always said it was mouthful, so he stuck with E.

Silence fell over the two and Brett couldn't help but pick out how different Eliza seemed, even though it was just two weeks.

If he looked close enough, he could see some healing scars like she had just been fighting. Her long blonde hair that she always had down, was now up in a tight pony tail, still falling down her back.

Brett hated the way, even after what she did annoyed him, all he did was want to kiss her right now.

Eliza could feel the beta's desperation and smirked. "Kiss me you loser."

Brett obeyed mindlessly, letting his mind take control. It was their first time they've kissed and to say it was an incredible feeling was an understatement.

Eliza never knew why she denied it before. She certainly had feelings had feeling for the lacrosse player. She just always pushed people away when she really needed someone in.

Thinking about it now, Brett was always there for her, no one else knew her like Brett did.

Eliza still felt terrified about what was going to happen but now she knew it was a good thing. She knew being Brett, she would always be safe, protected and cared for and Erica assured of that.

Her sister knew before any one else did.

She loved the way things between her and Brett were unpredictable.

She tried to force feelings away that were already there, trying to convince her self she couldn't be loved but as usual Brett being unpredictable changed that for her making her feel more emotion than she ever did.

He easily washed away all her bad memories.

Their lips finally left one another, making them breath heavily.

"What do you say about that date?"


I just couldn't with these two.

Thank you guys so much for the support on this story. It's funny how it was originally a Liam story but the chemistry between Bliza that I wasn't planning at all just happened.

There is no sequel although im thinking of doing one for bad flavour .



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