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Hello lovelies just wanted to say we got a Ship name for Liam and Eliza. So we have Eliam and Bliza for a Brett. Now get ready for a sad chapter.

15; Orphaned

'You can't save everyone'

Eliza's eyes watered, at the remembrance of her sister.

A single tear fell down her face, followed by another and another, until soon, steady steams of salty tears flowed it's way down on her cheek, releasing sadness and grief that has been held inside of her for all this time.

She felt her heart break into a million pieces at her name. The walls she built, quickly started tumbling down.With the fire they lit up inside.

Eliza's cries got louder whilst shook her head furiously as she watched Scott mince closer to her.

"Don't please." She cried out her voice weak and shaky.

"I'm sorry about, your sister Eliza we didn- mean."

"No! don't! I don't want to hear it!"

Her teary eyes met Derek's, as the spark in her eye disappeared, replacing it with loneliness.

"You were her Alpha" Eliza cried out.

Derek looked away from her in shame. He never forgot how he failed his first two betas, he even killed one of them. He guessed Isaac was the lucky one who got out before he also winded up dead.

"I was, but I betrayed her trust and couldn't protect her." Derek replied as his voice sounded strong but his green eyes were filled with sadness.

"Why?" Eliza cried out her sobs becoming uncontrollable.

"Is this why you came back, to give us payback?" Stiles questions, as he felt the tears cloud his vision whilst stare at the distressed girl.

Eliza nodded, still shaking with sobs. "I wanted you guys to feel what I felt."

"You know, she was inlove with you Stiles, you didn't notice her, but she always noticed you." Eliza added her bottom lip trembling as memories, with her sister flashed her mind.

How they were so close before she turned. How she always protected Eliza before her self. It was the Reyes sisters against the world. But they took that off her. Her happiness.

Which led to the loss of Carrie. That she will never be able to forgive her self for. Losing another sister was like replacing another hole in her heart.

"You were to busty fascinating over Lydia Martin to ever even noticed her, that could be a reason she wanted to change you know, to be noticed by you!" She added.

Eliza was now hysterics. A pair of tears raced down her cheeks. She couldn't control anything now. She didn't know what was doing, the talking from her head or her heart confused her.

She was broken.

She was just filled with total darkness with no light in her flames.

"Why are you mad at me?" Scott asked softly, nearing the blonde as it even hurt him to see her like that.

Eliza eyes glowed in anger towards the alpha. "I'm especially mad at you McCall!" She spat his name out like a venom, no longer crying but the tears still fell.

Stiles and Derek both glanced at Scott's confused face as they were also in the same position.

"You save everyone McCall, you always do! but you couldn't save my sister, why couldn't save my sister!" Her chest heaved, as her cries where even too much for her to handle.

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