✯Bad Intentions✯

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04; Muted

Would like to dedicate this chapter to MariahE3Angels. For trying to guess who Eliza's sibling was, it means a lot to me that your reading the story and following it so thank you so much, please comment and vote what you think of this chapter☺️

'The past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present.'

Eliza and Liam froze as they saw the Wendigo approach them. Eliza had seen these things before but only once, when she was in Mexico and in training with the Calaveras. From the information she read, Eliza knew there was none in Beacon Hills which was now apprantley wrong.

Eliza wasn't sure what to do, if she brought her claws out, Liam would be quick to know something was wrong. Liam didn't obey Eliza when she told him to stay, so it made the situation harder.

As the Wendigo was about to attack, Eliza only had one thing to do. Fight with no claws. She easily ducked under the punch thrown at her. She could hear Liam yelling at her to run. When Liam was a good distance she brought her claws out, clawing at the Wendigo's arm.

Eliza flipped over the Wendigo impressively quick but made a mistake she knew she should . Never do.

Never turn your back on your enemy.

Unfortunately the Wendigo caught her off guard, while she was facing the other way and wrapped his hand tightly around Eliza's neck.

"Liam run!" Eliza managed to say before all air escaped her lunges and everything faded into black.

It was a cold night, a really cold night, but it didn't bother me, not even the wet grass I was laying on.

I've always liked the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.

There was something about the stars I really liked. It was just always there, it was permanent. Like my tattoo of a star on my hip.

I starred at the one star which was the highest above all and it was clearly lonely but it was still shining bright.

I also like the rain a lot, the sound, the rush you get when all of the sudden dark clouds form in the sky and it starts to rain, and your first instinct is to run.

"What are you smiling about." I heard someone say from behind me. I didn't bother to turn around to the source, because I knew it was my obnoxious pack mate.

"It's freezing E, you should come in."

I turned to him raising my eyebrow.

"Right, how could I forget, you don't listen to authority." Brett said chuckling. Taking a seat beside me on the grass.

The sudden silence that fell between us is deafening to my ears. I can even hear my own heart pumping blood through my body.

"Do you want something?" I asked agitated. He was a good friend but very predictable.

"Luck isn't on my side these days E. I need a favour." He asks his voice all of the sudden serious.

I prop myself on my elbows, I furrowed my eyebrows. "What kind?"

"It's sort of revenge."

"On who?" I asked confused.

"Liam Dunbar." His face hardened at the mention of his name.


"Wow, you really don't listen in school do you?" He asked rhetorically.

I shrugged my shoulders."Who is he?"

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