✯Catch Me If You Can✯

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03; Muted

Early update because Teen wolf has ended until we have to wait for season 5.😭

'The closer you look, the less you see'

Eliza sat on the hospital chair in the waiting room, her french manicured nails tapping on the plastic chair impatiently. Liam was now in a hospital room and Eliza was forced by Brett to look over her assignment.

Scott watched the long haired blonde as she stared blankly at the wall. He could of swore there was something about her that was off, when he saw her on the lacrosse field.

He walked silently towards her and she still hadn't notice his presence coming near to her yet. Eliza was deep in thought, she hates the hospital because this is were it all started. That's when nothing ever was the same again.

Even with Eliza's werewolf senses she didn't notice Scott walking towards her. She heard someone clearing there throat and her head quickly snapped to the brown eyed puppy.

"Are you a friend of Liam's?" Scott asked, a bit nervous for some reason.

Eliza looked up at him. Scott froze when she stared at him with her azure eyes. They were the perfect shade of blue but they terrified him, the intensity of them were too much to handle, but he also couldn't help but wonder what was behind her eyes, there was so much more. Her eyes told a story that's just waiting to be heard.

Eliza stood up but didn't bother answering his question. They weren't friends, Liam and her, he was just her assignment. She stuck her hand towards Scott. Even though she wanted rip his head off at this moment, she needed to be polite first, then rip his head off.


"I'm Scott." Scott couldn't deny he felt something when her skin touched his. He didn't think she was human. Eliza ignored the feeling she got from Scott, there's no way he would know she was a werewolf. Satomi, her Alpha made sure no one would find out there secret, other werewolves were not able to sense them, not even a True Alpha, right?.

"Do I know you from somewhere." Scott had to ask, she kind of looked familiar or looked familiar to someone else he knew. Eliza quickly pulled her hand out of his grasp.

"No." Eliza answered the question in a monotone."No one knows me." She turned a heel and walked off towards Liam's room.

"Please tell Liam i'm sorry." Scott called out to her. Eliza kept on walking not missing a beat. She restrained her self not to scoff at Scott's comment as he'll definitely hear her.

She walked into Liam's room. He was on the hospital bed staring at his possible broken foot. Eliza didn't say anything, as she walked in and looked around the hospital room avoiding eye contact with her assignment.

Liam stared at the waist long, blonde haired girl who came in unannounced into his room, staring at the health posters on the walls fascinated. He started to get annoyed with her presence.

"Who are you?"

Eliza raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at him, his tone of voice actually shocked her. Then again, but what do you expect from an I.E.D.

"Eliza." She answers making her way to the hospital chair near Liam, sitting down with her legs crossed.

"Your Liam right." Eliza asked cocking her head to the side squinting slightly. She knew exactly who he was.

Liam didn't answer, he just stared at her blankly. Eliza had to keep from laughing, but it annoyed her when she didn't sense one ounce of fear from him. She even felt fear off the True Alpha, but not this human.

Liam watched as the girl known as Eliza face showed no emotion. He could only imagine how many walls she had put up to do that. He couldn't help but admire her long blonde hair that reached her hips and her crystal blue eyes.

Eliza couldn't help but admire his baby blues. His sharp jaw line and his messy hair that still looked strangely nice.

Silence took over the two. Liam still glaring at her and Eliza's amused attitude not to care were in installed.

Liam looked away from her eyes, not wanting to be mesmerised by them again.

"Is it broken." Eliza asks in monotone.

Liam shrugged.

"Well it looks broken." She stated.

Liam shot her a glare. Who was she anyway. Eliza bit her tongue, she was suppose to make him fall for her not make him angry, but she couldn't help it, he irked her just like he irked Brett, and the way Liam wasn't intimated by her annoyed her much more.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll get better." Eliza stated. She had to put on the best performance of her life if she wanted Liam to trust her.

Liam was taken back by her sudden mood switch. Liam watched as she stood up and stared at the health posters. Her head cocking to the side reading them carefully.

"You go to Beacon Hills?" Liam asked trying not sound like he was now comfortable with her being here.

"Yea just transferred." Eliza answer still staring at the health poster.

"From where?" Liam asked furrowing his eyebrow.

Eliza sighed turning to him letting her hair sway. "Devenford Prep." She answered as she watched him carefully of his reaction.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows, he would have noticed her for sure if she went to Devenford Prep.

"Don't worry, I would have noticed you to." Eliza said before she could stop her self. She blushed and turned back quickly, how could she have been so stupid.

Liam was surprised at her embarrassed state. She turned away from him and he couldn't help the smile that broke onto his face.

"Wasn't in school much, was always busy with family stuff." Eliza stated getting her voice back, still staring at the poster.

A loud roar ruined the moment. Eliza's eyes glowed in fear, she thanked the moon above that Liam didn't see her and mentally hit her self for being scared. The roar didnt sound like a werewolves so she knew it was definitely something worst.

The strong scent of blood hit her and she quickly looked back at Liam who was already standing on one foot.

"Liam get back!" She instructed.

Liam shot her a disbelieving look, he obviously wasn't going to let her go alone which annoyed Eliza greatly.

This is why she like doing things on her own.


And that marks the first interaction with Liam and Eliza. I really can't wait to develop their relationship.

They are not really at the best of terms here, as you can see Eliza is really subtle.

Please comment what you think of this story so far i'n really excited for this story and want to know if you guys want me to continue.

I have decided this will be a Brett/Liam type story.

Reminder: The bold letters at the top is the name of the chapter followed by italic quotes about the chapter.

Seeya my lovelies, don't forget to vote and comment<3

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