✯Art Of Getting By✯

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05; The Benefactor

So guys The Maze Runner. It's all I need to say. - Adrianna

Most people are stronger then they know, They just forget to believe it sometimes.'

The sound of jumble up voices slowly awakens me from my unconscious state. The thoughts running through my head scatters together and I have a tiny heart attack when I forget where I am, until the past nights events come crashing down on me.

I felt my eyelids being forced open with a shining light nearly blinding me.

"Is she ok." I heard a voice say.

The voice startled me so much, that I quickly got up, grabbing the person's wrist forcefully in the process.

I look up to see a dark haired women, with gorgeous curly hair. My eyes flickered behind her to a boy with widened eyes. Stiles. I look down to see I was still holding on to the women's wrist and quickly let go whilst looking around the hospital room frantically.

"Are you ok." I heard the women say. I nodded quickly not being able to find my voice.

"S-sorry." I stuttered out.

She gave me a warm smile. Then her face quickly changed into confusion.

"Do I know you? I swear i've seen you in this hospital a couple of times, but you were much younger."

My eyes squinted to see if I recognised her. Then it hit my like a rock through a window, the resemblance was too much. Melissa McCall. My eyes widened at this information and I quickly waved my hand dismissing what she said.

"Definitely wasn't me, this is my first time at Beacon Hills." I assured them.

Third POV

Stiles narrowed his eyes at the blonde. She was obviously lying. He knew he met her before but he couldn't remember when and how he did but it was eating at him.

Every time he thought he was close to figuring out who she was, her eyes would always throw him off, not only because they terrified him, it was just because his never seen anything so blue.

Eliza could feel Stiles stares on her but didn't dare to look up at him. She shifted uncomfortably but her face still remained passive.

"Ok well, you just had a slight bump on the head but everything should be alright." Melissa stated, oblivious to the tension between Stiles and Eliza.

"Do you remember anything?" Stiles questions the blonde.

"No." Eliza answers, not even batting an eyelash.

Eliza quickly stood from the bed.

"I better go." She said in unison with Stiles.

Stiles looked at her weirdly while Melissa raised her eyebrow at them amused.

"Scott needs me." Stiles answers already leaving.

Eliza grabbed her phone from her pocket. Clicking a few buttons before seeing She had no text messages or missed phone calls. Which was weird because by now She would had at least fifty altogether, just from Brett.

Melissa watched Eliza, her eyebrows furrowing. There was no doubt she seen this girl before. There was noway you can forget hair and eyes like that.

Eliza shoved her phone back into her pocket, quickly getting off the hospital bed. Her nose wrinkles up in disgust, she hates hospitals. She was always in and out of it because of her condition, she had as a human.

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