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Eliza had been looking for Liam all day at school. She had texted him but didn't get a reply.

She started to feel anxious hoping nothing had happen to him, not that she had to watch over him or anything since her plan with Brett was officially over.

They had talked it through last night, well more like shouting and door slamming, yea it wasn't pretty.

She was happy about the plan being over though, because the guilt of lying to Liam was eating at her each day, but it didn't mean Liam needed to find out the real reason she even met him.

Now she could focus on her revenge on McCall, Stilinski and Hale. It wasn't going to be easy knowing about the drastic changes, like Liam now being McCalls Beta, but she could get through that. She wasn't there to look for a boyfriend anyway.

Eliza got sick of looking around the halls of Beacon Hills high, as she barely knew what part of the school she was in.

Students pushed past her as she gave each one of them a glare. The beacon hills lacrosse jersey caught her eye as she randomly grabbed the guy that was in it.

He looked startled at the sudden force, already to complain to Eliza but didn't utter a sound as he watched how furious she was.

"Do you know where Liam Dunbar is or not?" Eliza nearly snarled at him as she was becoming impatient, from walking around all day.

The lacrosse player swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding quickly.

"He's-He's in the weight room." He answered shakily.

Eliza immediately let him go, giving him a quick apology that she quickly snarled at her self for. She was losing her self, she's not suppose to care or even let her self feel. That's what she's always been doing, and it was easy, but now it wasn't exactly simple for her, all because of Liam Dunbar and for letting her first tear fall.

Eliza nearly got shoved over as the crowd became more nosier.

"Liam! Liam wait." She heard Mason demand as he pushed past her to get to a very angry Liam.

Eliza watched as Liam stormed off towards the entrance of the school, and pulled her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Liam wait." She also yelled trying to catch up with him.

Liam didn't even listen to them, as he just walked out of the school, Mason at his tail while Eliza was at Mason's. Eliza was confused why he looked so angry.

As she got outside, she froze in shock as familiar faces exist the school bus. She watched as the very known lacrosse players to her, exist the bus giving her each a smirk. What where they doing here?

The Devenford lacrosse players, knew her as the girl they shouldn't mess with, considering they knew Brett would snapped their necks, not that she needed any one to defend her, but the sly little smirks they just sent her was only a one time thing, and they knew that, but they couldn't help but be bothered by the fact that she moved to Beacon hills high.

Eliza's heart nearly came to a stop, as she watched Brett exist the bus. Her heart beat erratically at the possibility of him being here right now.

Eliza glared at Brett and the rest of the lacrosse players, but Brett just sent her a smirk.

"Brett!" Liam warned. You could already feel the tension in the air between the boys.

Now Eliza knew why he looked so mad.

Brett looked towards Liam, glancing at Eliza whilst giving her a wink. Eliza stayed emotionless, knowing what was about to go down wasn't going to be good.

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