✯Sweet Revenge✯

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02; Muted

'The world is full of monsters with friendly faces'

Eliza's light electric blue eyes scanned the lacrosse field. It was tryouts. She was surprised to see Ken was there but was also disappointed she didn't point that out when analysing him.

What she saw next made her blood boil, that she had to dig her claws into her hands from shifting. Scott and Stiles were on the field, they didn't remember her but she remembered them.

Her mood changed slightly as she see's her assignment. He was decent looking, she thought to herself. He caught every ball Ken threw at him. He had fast reflexes for a human. If she had went to the lacrosse games at Devenford Prep she would have known he was good, but luckily she didn't, because the plan wouldn't have worked.

Her mood rises as she lets out her smirk watching Scott and Stiles fail miserably. It made her more eager for her revenge for them to work, she didn't have much to work on, so she needed more ideas to take them down.

Brett had sent her on his revenge for Liam. He said that Liam took a crowbar to coaches car and made the team disqualified a number of times because of his anger.

Brett wanted her to make Liam fall for Eliza and then she breaks his heart, that he goes absolutely insane with his I.E.D and well, you get the message.

She didn't mind taking the assignment, she had her reasons to go to BHHS her self.

She didn't really pay attention on the rest of the practice except for staring at her assignment, which she punished her self for, with a pinch on her arm.

The practice progressed with her assignment scoring perfectly and Scott and Stiles missing terribly. Eliza watched in amusement as Scott and Stiles spoke in hush voices, staring at Liam intensely.

Eliza wasn't ready for what she saw next. She watched in horror as Scott's eyes turned crimson red. He was an alpha, but something was different he was just not any alpha and she could feel it.

Her alpha said something about True Alpha's, but that couldn't be what Scott was, those were probably nonexistent. Every thousand years wasn't exactly a 50/50. How could he be an Alpha if he's the reason her sibling was dead.

Eliza couldn't let her vulnerability show. This was for her family, revenge of what he didn't do, and wasn't only him Stiles too and especially Derek Hale.

Her eyes begun to water as she thought of her loss. Eliza wiped her tears off angrily refusing to cry. There was no way she was going to show emotion and let the wall she build up for years crumble down.

Eliza froze at the sudden noise of someone crying in pain. Her legs took off running towards the field before she could stop her self.

"Hey girl get off the field." The coach yelled at her.

Eliza ignored him. She glared at Scott and Stiles who were the obvious suspects, always the ones hurting people, she was not surprised. Stiles looked at her weirdly as she was praying he didn't remember her. Scott looked like he didn't have a clue, which was a good thing.

Her assignment was still crying in pain as Scott and Stiles lifted him up.

"I think it's my leg." Liam cried out.

Eliza tried to hide her smirk. If his leg was broken he wont be able to even play lacrosse. Which Brett would love if she told him. Eliza could see why Brett disliked Liam very much he was showing off at the tryouts and he had this coming for him.

Scott locked eyes with Eliza giving her weird look. He watched as she froze from his stare. Eliza could definitely feel it now. He was an Alpha, a True Alpha.

They started talking about taking Liam to the hospital, and all Eliza could do was watch as they dragged Liam off the field. She had to get to the hospital somehow.

She texted Brett the good news but he still insisted for her to go to the hospital to be sure. She didn't bother to argue with him.

Now Eliza had to go be the Lois Lane to her assignment Clark Kent.


And there's the second chapter to She Wolf again this chapter doesn't reveal much, but I have a lot of Ideas for it and I'm so excited for it to be read by all of you.

Again this is in the third POV, I haven't ever done anything like it before so I decided to try it, but don't worry I'll put some in her point of view, so we can get into her head every once while.

What do you guys think so far? and don't worry they'll be Liam and Eliza scenes and Eliza and Brett.

You'll soon get the back story of her and Brett soon.

Check out my other fanfic Bad Flavour.

Please comment/vote, it will really mean a lot to me. Seeya my lovelies<3

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