✯Beautiful Liar✯

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Before we start who misses this duo?

'The trust of the innocent, is the liar's most useful tool'

She got out of the car, steadying each of her feet as they reach the ground. Eliza shut the car door already staring up at the lake house, that was booming with music.

Eliza noted in her head, that it belonged to the strawberry blonde haired banshee. The place was decent, she stared at the lake beside it, that had the moon reflecting on it. It was stunning.

She turned around to Demarco giving him a small smile.

"I get it, I get it. You don't want to show up to the party, with the beer delivery guy." Demarco teased, the long haired blonde.

Eliza didn't want to sound rude, so she bit her tongue from laughing, nodding at him.

"Thank you for the ride! by the way. I love you." She called out, walking towards the lake house.

"Bye." Demarco remarked, waving his hand away for her to get away from his sight, teasingly.

Eliza laughed, turning to the lake house. She walked into the house already feeling the music vibrating through her body. Eliza searched around for Liam instantly.

She brought out her phone sending another text that she had arrived to Liam. Eliza mindlessly went into the kitchen while texting. She did not look up in time, to see that some one was in front of her.

Eliza clashed into a muscular figure, that made her drop her phone.

"Sorry." She muttered grabbing her phone.

"Ughh it's you." She heard the figure, that she crashed into say.

She looked up to see the blue eyed lacrosse player, but not the one she hoped for.

"If it isn't Ken." Eliza sneered, glaring at Garrett.

Eliza disliked the guy, and his ego. When she first met him, she thought he was just a nice innocent smiling guy, but no he was the total opposite. He was an idiot.

"Well if isn't Rapunzel." He glared back at the blonde.

Eliza rolled her eyes.

"You know, you should be more nice to me Eliza, now that we both resemble disney characters." He assured Eliza, putting an arm around her shoulders, teasingly.

"Ken isn't a disney character you idiot." Eliza hissed pushing his arm off.

"Ughh! I've way seen way too much of your face already, this cost for a drink." He remarked obviously, as he started raiding the cupboards, for alcohol.

"Have you seen Liam?" Eliza asked Garrett, as he pulled out a wine bottle.

"Hmm?" He asked, sniffing the drink.

"Have you seen Liam?" Eliza asked slower, and clearer for him.

Garrett rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Eliza scoffed, glaring at him.

"Can your eyes do anything but glare?" Garret asked Eliza, still taking sips from the bottle.

Eliza furrowed her eyebrows at him, she didn't know what, but something was telling her, that he meant something else.

Before she knew it, the bottle was pulled away from Garrett's grasp. She giggled at Garrett's shocked face.

"That bottle of wine is 400." Eliza heard Lydia Martin say, to Garrett. Lydia looked so stressed, it look like the strawberry blonde was freaking out.

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