Chapter 7

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After eating, Alexander stood up and walked towards the stairs. But he wasn't going upstairs, infact he was going downstairs, this wasn't the way to his room though. I wonder where we're going.

"To answer your question pet, we are going to the library because I have to complete some work." he replied to the question that I was asking myself as he continued to walk without even sparing a glance at me.

He led me to two big dark brown oak doors which he opened and we got in.

Wow, this is marvellous!!! It was so big inside and there were various sections of different types of books; supernatural, fantasy, romance, horror, thriller and much more.

"Go choose a book and join me in the other room where I will be waiting for you by a table." he ordered me. I was too mesmerized by the beauty of the room that I just nodded to him and made my way to the romance section.

It took a few moments till my eyes settled on an interesting book. It had a golden cover with 'Befallen Love'.

I read the summary at the back of the book and instantly liked it. I grabbed it in my hand and started to make my way to the reading room.

(AN: Just a random name for the book)

It wasn't so crowded in here, just a few vampires sitting and silently reading or writing

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It wasn't so crowded in here, just a few vampires sitting and silently reading or writing. There wasn't any humans here, just me. I searched for Alexander and found him sitting alone at a table, so I made my way to him.

He was going through some
documents and looked a bit pissed off. I took a seat beside him and opened my book to read it. I flicked through the pages; it was a story about an angel and a human who both fell in love.

But right now, I wasn't in the mood to read. I felt tired because of the lack of sleep from last night. So, I closed my book, put it aside and laid my head on the table. But the leash was causing discomfort to me as I tried to position my head.

"Can you remove my leash? It's too
uncomfortable." I asked, in a whisper, to Alexander who was deeply focused in his work. He looked up from his papers, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"When you make a request, you must add the words, 'please' and 'master' in the sentence. I don't want to remind you these little things everytime." he said with his low and warning voice.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. This blood sucker was so annoying!

"Master, can you please remove my leash, it's too uncomfortable." I re-phrased my sentence by making emphasis on the two words. Alexander put his finger on his chin and thought about it for a moment.

"No." he said dryly and returned his focus on his work. What crawled up his a*s and died?!

I positioned my head on the table so that I was looking at him.

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