Chapter 31

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Emily: A blonde girl who Grace considers as her best friend. Also the pet of Kaden (brother of Alexander, who's also blonde).

Jace: The werewolf that took care of Grace while she was in the dungeons.

Leah: The slave girl who helped Grace take a bath after coming out of the dungeons.

Erin: The salesgirl that Grace met at a store and became friends with her.


I got out of the wardrobe where I was trying to search for any sweets that had maybe fallen by chance, but there was nothing! That blood sucker had taken everything from me! Did I ever say that I bloody hate him? If yes, then I'll say it again; I f*cking hate this bloody vampire! I mean, how could he have the audacity to take away my snacks and plushies?! I'm sure that he just want me to get pissed off.

I had practically searched every nook and crook in the wardrobe but found nothing! Absolutely nothing! Not even a small candy or a piece of chocolate. I remember that I had hidden some lollipops and small candies in the back of Mr Shirropy but Alexander had imprisoned him! I groaned layed over the floor of the wardrobe, whining continuously and furiously as I patted my belly who wanted some chocolate.

I sulked, looking at the ceiling of the wardrobe as I had nothing to do. I didn't want to sleep either, or else I eould have gotten on the bed and cuddled with the pillows but didn't feel like it. I could also annoy Alexander, which was my favourite thing to do but meh, I decided that I would not talk to him and give him the silent treatment. He deserved it.

He was, like always, working at his desk on his laptop. I wonder how he would feel like if I were to take his laptop away. Or if I were to break it. Surely, he would be furious and devastated; just like I was feeling right now without my candies and plushies. He could have at least spared Mr Cuddly Bunny! I mean, I was the culprit, not Mr Cuddly Bunny! My plushie had done nothing wrong!

I groaned in frustration, wanting to snatch my things from that vampire. But I should compose myself. I should show him that his actions doesn't affect me that much. I mean, they are just some plushies and candies, right? It was just Mr Shirropy and Mr Cuddly Bunny, my precious and cute little bunnies that I couldn't live apart from. And there were just some chocolate along with some lollipops that tasted like a pure bliss.

I whined louder, wanting my things back but I couldn't do anything for that to happen! If he had left me with one bunny and some chocolates, I would have understand but right now, I had the extreme urge to punch him, slap him, beat him to death but he was a vampire. Vampires usually heal extremely fast and their body is three times stronger than a human's body.

But not if they were injured with silver. The matter was different if silver was used to injure them. During my life, I've been killing vampires with silver knives and the only place I had to prey at was the lifeless and cold heart of these leeches. Well, it wasn't really lifeless but it could pump blood in a weak way and that was why vampires needed blood from humans.

The vampire's body was really complicated. I mean, they are already dead after a vampire bit them and the temperature of their body could confirm that. They would wake up after about twenty four hours and then find out that they had been turned. Their body was lifeless but they were 'alive'. I mean, they can breathe and all but couldn't use their body to produce blood. So, that's where the whole story of human becoming blood bags goes on.

Before that the mystic creatures took over the world, vampires were turning some humans into one of their own kind in order to strengthen their kind. But then, the whole story of scientists capturing vampires and conducting tests on them happened. Alexander and the pet master had told me that some cruel scientists had harmed the vampires and tortured them while keeping them in cages made of silver.

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