Chapter 51

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^Alexander's Mother: Maeve Dalrymph


Alexander's POV

I drummed my fingertips onto the hard wood of my desk as I tried to concentrate on my work but I couldn't. It was already nine o'clock, about four hours that Grace was already gone and had not returned. I knew that she had gone to meet her sister to talk to her after so many years but, she shouldn't take that much time. Maybe she would stay there for the night? But she didn't tell me and I didn't want her to sleep somewhere else. I was a bit ashamed to say that I had grown accustomed to her warmth and the feeling of her little hands on my chest or around my neck.

She did love to cuddle, which she would never admit because I was a vampire, but I did like to cuddle too because of the warmth that radiated off her body and also because she fit perfectly against my body while I would get to tangle my fingers in her hair and mess with it or caress her soft and ivory skin.  I don't know since when I had developed a liking for cuddling but it was because of Grace and the way that she would snuggle into me and coil her arms around my neck or torso. I liked it more when she would tangle her legs with mine. Wait...... STOP THESE THOUGHTS!!

I held the tip of my nose in frustration and let out a deep sigh. Rubbing my eyes, I began to think about the ways that I would think about Grace. I was thinking too much about her.......probably. I was probably going crazy too because my fingers would itch to touch her. Both in a s*xual and in a non s*xual way; I wanted to f*ck her so badly, caress her skin, nip and bit at it wih my teeth, suck her blood while pumping into her, kissing those pink and adorable lips, lick her nipples and p*ssy and hear her moan and whimper from my torture. But I also wanted to hug her in my arms and never let go.

That was so f*cking messed up. I regret thinking of those things. I can't think like that of a human. But I am. I am thinking about a human as the way I would think of a vampire. She was a human, a creature that was doomed to be treated worse than an animal and to be a slave or pet to vampires. As per as the laws of the King, vampires don't have the right to love a human. If a vampire does and the council discover it, then the vampire is doomed. The human is taken away, beaten to death or just sold to a pet shop. The vampire, Royal or wealthy or poor, is locked away in the dungeons till a suitable punishment is thought.

All the punishments till now have consisted of only torture, by silver instruments, and public death. There had been some cases and the King and Royals looked down upon those vampires. By now, nearly all of them were dead apart from some who are still in the dungeons and waiting for the day of their executions. Just yesterday, there had been a case like that where a vampire was running away with a human slave but was caught by some guards. They were immediately arrested. The human was sent to a slaughterhouse while the vampire was now in the dungeons, trying to find a way to escape and save his love.

I wasn't in love with Grace. I was just being delirious right now. I liked her, maybe a bit too much. Okay, maybe not just a bit. Maybe I liked her too much. That was not good at all. That was very bad and the situation was just aggravating while I would let myself dig deeper into my own grave. I couldn't love a human, that was totally absurd. I was really admitting that I was beginning to grow soft for a human but I wasn't falling in love! That was a definite no! I would never dare do that to my own kind after what humans did to us! That was too much.

I had to put an end to that......... that phase. That was just a phase in my life. Seriously, why was I changing over the past few months after having bought Grace? I never treated any of my pets like I did with her. I bought her clothes, things that she needed and wanted. I fed her at every meal and even bought her loads of snacks and also so many more things that I shouldn't have. I always let her sleep in the bed with me and not on the floor or in a cage. I let her bathe everyday and let her have her way with everything just because I kind of like her personality, her spirit.

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