Chapter 39

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Alexander's POV

"And why are we even here?! I was sleeping and then you just had to wake me up and forcefully bathed me!" Grace muttered to me as she flashed me her death glare that sent daggers in my way. She continued to whine and let out a string of curses under her breath as I tugged at her leash so that we were entering into a store where I had to get something. I ignored her question and thought about the invitation that I had received from my friend, Anthony. He was throwing a party and invited me along with my family and some that stayed at the palace.

I was going to bring Grace with me and show her to everyone so that they could know that she was growing quite submissive towards me. Well, not much but there were these little moments when she would act shy and timid then use her manners with me even if it's just to get something in return or to woo me. But then, she would go back to normal. But at the party, which was going to take place tomorrow night, I would ensure that she addresses me with full respect and conduct herself well in front of other people. I had little time but I knew some methods now that I understood her fears.

What she feared the most was the humiliation of having someone look at her naked body or even touch her. That meant also spanking; she would literally become submissive and obey my orders. Last night, it took only two swats for her to obey my order. Of course, I had never done this to any of my previous pets but this seems to be working so well on her. I was planning to make her recite all the rules and then punish her if she forgets one and this would work best. Plus, I had also finished ordering her a dress that she would put on for tomorrow night.

But she doesn't know about it. And I was going to have so much fun when she could complain about how much the dress was revealing. But it was a quite simple gown, nothing much extravagant as she is just a pet. I didn't know why I had even bought her that dress; maybe just to tease her. But I had never done that for any of my previous pets before. But as a Lord, I had to present my pet as one of mine. As a Lord, I had these responsibilities; to show the society about how I would keep my pet obedient and make her presentable to present her to other vampires.

Plus, she was the most known human pet on the market. It has been rumored that she was a human who had this anger flaming in her eyes and would never hesitate to shed the blood of a vampire, the race that she despises so much. And for a Lord to have changed her into an obedient pet, it would boost up the respect that I receive from the society as well as from the King. I sighed, running a hand into my hair as I ignored whatever Grace was arguing about with me. Seriously, I had never known that this ferocious human would be like this.

I took a glance at her to see that she was pouting with her cheeks puffed out and was glaring at the floor as well as at the other vampires walking near us. She was probably still angry that I had woken her up from her slumber this early morning and had bathed her myself. I mean, if she had just given in to me and taken a shower by herself but she just had to glue herself to the couch and would cuss at me whenever I would tell her to get up. I had even been waking her up for a full thirty minutes but nothing. She would just whine and kick at me and stay on the couch, where she had dozed off last night onto my chest.

Suddenly, I felt her hand onto my arm, stopping me as I was pulled out of my train of thoughts. "Alexander, what is this woman drinking? It seems quite delicious." Grace asked me as she looked in front of her with a calculating look and was squinting her eyes to get a better look at whatever she was looking at. I raised an eyebrow at her and after a moment, she looked back at me to see that I was giving her a questioning look. She sighed from annoyance and said, "That woman over there. The blonde one. What is she drinking?" she asked more clearly and repeated.

I looked in front of us to see exactly that blonde woman that she was talking about and saw that she was drinking a milkshake from her straw and was leaning onto the counter. I looked back at Grace and said sternly with a slight frown darkening onto my face, "First of all kitten, don't talk loud like this because she could have heard you due to her vampiric hearing. And second, you are to call me 'master' in public. And thirdly, to answer your question, she's drinking a milkshake. And continue to walk now." With that said, I tugged at her leash.

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