Chapter 25

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^ Picture of the second plushie bunny that Grace purchased.


Warning: smut scene. Do not read if you feel uncomfortable.

My fingers drummed impatiently on the back of my other hand as my lower lip was tucked in between my teeth lightly. It was already about ten o'clock and it was so dark outside. I no longer heard the sound of shoes clicking onto the floor of the corridor, meaning that everyone were in their chambers, maybe sleeping.

My eyes were fixed onto the white clock that hung onto the wall as I was waiting impatiently for my prey to come into his own doom. At each ticking sound, I felt myself growing more nervous. But I shouldn't be, because I had a foolproof plan and everything that I needed.

I was also repeating the process of the plan into my head continuously; just get him drunk, seduce him, lead him to the bed, grab the knife, aim it at him and kill him. It sounded simple but my mind was on something specific; the vampire Lords would be as vulnerable as normal vampires when drunk right?

As I had already said before, I never did kill a Lord but only normal vampires. But, it wasn't going to be a difficult task for me, not at all, during all these years of killing off vampires one by one, today, I should be able to kill Alexander too. It wasn't going to be such a big deal but still, he had royal blood flowing through his veins.

So, because of his power of being able to listen to my thoughts, I would have to control myself from thinking about anything. I had to keep my thoughts away for tonight or else he could get a hint of what all this facade was about. Then, he would surely outsmart me and torture me, but-

Click. Wait, this isn't the sound of the clock.

My heart nearly missed a beat as I got to know where that clicking sound came from. I jolted up from the bed as I was laying onto it on my belly, and went quickly to stand near the couch. That sound meant that someone opened the door and that someone was definitely Alexander himself.

I soothed out my sweater and tried to tug it down to cover my skin a bit more but that didn't work. All of a sudden, I felt uneasy about letting Alexander seeing me in this attire because I was ashamed that I was showing my skin to a blood sucker. If my mom knew about this....ohh god. She would be so disappointed at me.

My eyes were fixed onto the door as it opened to reveal Alexander who had a tired expression on his face. He slowly closed the door behind him as his green orbs snapped to be figure. His eyes narrowed at he looked at me from my toes to my head, getting a good view of how I looked and what I was wearing.

I sensed chills running down my spine as goosebumps appeared on my skin; I was letting a male look at me while I was in this revealing attire and no need to say that he was a leech. Alexander's eyes finally found my face as I had successfully been able to plaster a smirk on my lips. Alright, it was time to act.

His eyes widened slightly as he took in my appearance as his eyes shifted to the coffee table on which there were the two bottles of vodka and the small glasses. He looked at me again as he exclaimed, "Grace, what the hell are you wearing and what the hell is that?" All the worry on his face was gone and was replaced with his questioning features.

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding and walked up to him with steady footsteps. "Master, I thought that I would give you a bit of relaxation and that we could maybe have a little bit of fun." I literally purred as I went behind him to remove his jacket suit from his shoulders.

After a little moment, he let his jacket suit glide off his back as I took it and hung it. Then, I placed my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him forward, guiding him to the couch. His mind seemed to processed my words as he didn't know what to say. So, I placed him onto the red velvety couch.

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