Chapter 47

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Alexander's POV (After A Week)

It's been some days now and Grace would always stay by the window, sitting there and looking into the garden or would just sit in a corner of the room on the ground and do nothing all day. I would feed her sometimes and she would shower but that was all. She just wouldn't talk to me when I would try to make a conversation. She was not lively as before; before meeting Anthony, she would always come to sit on my lap and eat some sweets while watching me work but that wasn't the case anymore. She was so distant.

After that little incident when I found her searching on my desk a few days ago, I would stay awake till midnight in order to see if she would attempt that again but she didn't. I didn't know if she would wake up after midnight but just to make sure, I sometimes brought her closer to me and would lightly hug her. Even with this method, I waited so that when she would move away, I would wake up. But that didn't work as I never did wake up and in the morning, I would not find her in bed but already woken up and in the bathroom, taking a shower.

And when I would take my shower and get out, I would usually find her in the wardrobe, brushing her hair but she would get out as soon as I would come inside. I would try to also ask her some questions like if she would come downstairs to eat the meals but she would just fist her hands in response. And that was the same response I would get if I asked whether she would like to discuss why she was behaving like that or not. I ran a hand in my hair and entered my room with my laptop bag with me. I had other things to do too.

I had just been to the Royal meeting and had another task to do and return it to the King in about four days. There was a lot of work to do right now. I opened the door to my room, unlocking it and entered to only see Grace getting out of the bathroom. While I closed the door behind me, I watched her walk to her usual corner and sat down without paying me much attention. She sat with her legs curled up against her chest while her chin was on her knees and her arms were coiled around her legs. Then, she would just stare in front of her and do nothing else all day.

And I would sit by my desk, working and listen to any thoughts that swam in her mind but I would hear none. Usually, she would come and sit on my lap and watch me work because she would get sometimes bored. She also annoy me and I would tell her to shut up but now, she wasn't the same. I sat down in my sleek black chair and removed my laptop from my bag. Just then, I saw the plate of food that was on the table in the corner of the room. It was still full. I checked my watch and noted that it was nearly 3 pm. And Grace still didn't eat her lunch.

I sighed but called out, "Grace." She took her time, moving her her head that was on her knees and stared back at me. I beckoned her to come with my hand and ordered, "Get your food and come here." She stayed in her place, listening to my every word as I rolled my chair back and waited for her. She turned her face away and resumed staring at the wall beside her. I furrowed my eyebrows at her action but I wasn't going let her her like this. "Grace." I called out again yet in a low and threatening voice while my eyes narrowed onto her form. But she didn't even turn.

That was it, I got up and walked to her. "Get up." I ordered as I stood up just in front of her. She looked past me and didn't even acknowledged me. I blinked, staring down at her as her hair was laid on the floor. I rolled my eyes at her and bent down. I scooped her into my arms and stood up again. She silently let me take her and carry her to the couch. "Kitten, it's not really good to sit on the floor even if the maid cleans it. Germs will crawl on you and you'll get sick, so don't ever do that again. If you want to sit, just go to the couch or the bed." I explained but I don't think she was listening.

I carried her to the table, taking my place and made her sit onto my lap sideways so that I could look at her face. I brought the plate of food near and noticed that it was just two medium pieces of cooked salmon in oil and a few pieces vegetables. I began to cut a piece of the salmon and brought the fork in front of her mouth. "Open your mouth, baby. You have to eat." I told her and gently pushed the fork against her lips. She kept her mouth closed and just stared at my hand. I waited some more seconds, occasionally pushing the fork lightly against her lips but she absolutely kept her mouth closed.

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