4| Wig=Snatched

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Chapter 4| Wig=Snatched

Dylan's POV:

I felt it.

The buzz of electricity passing through my veins, tingling my body, making goosebumps rise on my skin, along with the racing of my heart beating so loud that I could hear it pounding in my ears. I feared that it would break through my ribs and fall out of my chest. 

I would have stopped if not for the scent that made me jolt in pleasure, giving life to the dead cells in me, adding color to the grey, dull dreams I had left so long ago, and giving me hope, that had all of my neurons rejoicing. 

My greatest dream and worst nightmare were coming to life.

Time slowed for me, yet ticked by faster than ever.

Everything around me passed by in a blur, making it seem as if a toddler is playing with a white laser light, swishing it to and fro aimlessly. For a second, I saw the shocking pink colored trail of scent that took me to my destination; the brief second proving that it was indeed real, and I was not hallucinating.

I even picked up a white lily from one of the vases placed here and there, and soon stood in front of a room, the scent being most potent there. Taking a deep breath, as if the air around me would provide me the courage I needed, I straightened my hair and tie; the thought of finally meeting my mate eating me inside out.

'You look great, now go inside! I want to see mate!' My wolf chided, sarcastically passing me a comment about my physical appearance, even though he hadn't seen me. I was sure that I, in fact, did not look so great as I had just ran to the hospital when I received the news about my Luna giving birth, but my wolf did not pay any heed to my insecurities.

'Chill, okay okay. I'm going in,' I replied back, and blocked him out. The last thing I wanted when meeting my mate was for my overly-horny wolf to blurt out something inappropriate. 

Shaking off my nerves, I slowly took hold of the door knob, the metal feeling like an ice against my flaming skin, like putting a glacier in a volcano. Taking another deep breath and hoping that I wasn't a burden on the Earth for wasting too much oxygen because of my stupid fears, I twisted the doorknob, cringing at the sound of it creaking, and went inside. 

A gasp left my mouth when I saw a woman, thankfully, lying on the bed with many tubes sticking in and out of her body. Her forehead was bandaged and there was a caste on her left leg. But that was not the shocking part. The most shocking part was that the woman was really familiar. 

It was Amelia.

The Pack's slut.

Wig= Snatched.

Amelia is my mate? How can this be? If she was my mate then I would have known as soon as I had turned eighteen! How is this happening?

A lot of questions ran through my mind, and the sound of a throat being cleared made me step out of me trance. 

'Quick, think of something to say to break the awkwardness!'

'Allow me,' My wolf said and before I could stop it, he took control of my body.

"Have you been to the doctor's lately? Because you're lacking vitamin me," My wolf chuckled at the end, and I mentally face palmed myself. Amelia looked at me with disgust and scoffed.

"Have you looked at the mirror lately? Or, do I need to hold up one for you to remind you of how ugly you are?" Amelia retorted to his pickup line, rolling her eyes.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together." My wolf forced my body to take agonizingly taking slow steps towards her. His eyes boldly drank her in, something I had not ever done before. I noticed her eyes were blue, electric blue, matching the electricity that ran through my body, also a color that I had secretly wished I had. Her hair was golden, falling to her breasts like a waterfall of honey...a honeyfall. Her body, despite the bruises, glowed and her complexion was just right.

"If I were to make a pictorial dictionary, I would put your face and my fist together," Amelia sassed again, not noticing my wolf's slow steps towards her.

"I wish I were cross-eyed so that I could see you twice," I drawled out huskily, and Amelia chuckled sarcastically.

"You're so ugly, even normal visioned people wouldn't like to see you, not even once!" 

Amelia gasped when I knelt down so that my face leveled with hers, and my lips were inches away from hers. "Your lips look lovely. Would they like to meet mine?"

Amelia gulped and I could tell she was trying to think of a comeback but her attention was focused on my face which was so close to hers. She looked into my green wolf eyes which were trailed on her lips and she, not so unconsciously, licked them making me growl lowly.

"I would love to continue this, but I'm afraid that I have to know why I just caught the scent of you being my mate, after eight years," My wolf whispered huskily, stealing a kiss at the bridge of her nose, making her gasp loudly.

Amelia's POV:

I noticed that Dylan was observing me with a look of adoration and happiness on his face. However, his eyes did not travel to my woman parts, and that somehow confused me as all of the men I had sex with before never looked at my face, but looked down to my breasts and my pussy.

Without Dylan or rather Dylan's wolf noticing, I quickly pressed the red button on the remote and two bulky men stepped inside. 

"Beta," They bowed to him once, looking at me in confusion.

"Miss, is the Beta bothering you?" One of them asked and I battered my eyelashes at him, smiling seductively.

"Yes, sir," I purred, glancing at Dylan for any hint of jealousy but he was just looking at me amusingly.

"I am sorry for this Beta," They bowed at him again, "But you really need to step out, or else I shall have to use force."

"No need," Dylan assured them, "I shall see myself out," He said and turned to walk away but before he could leave, he turned around and pointed a finger at me before saying, "We will be having that talk," and left.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience, miss," The guards stiffly said to me, and left before I could reply to them. Even though they were being polite, I could feel the hate radiating from them in waves as they glared at me, grinding their teeth. If it weren't for Pack rules for anyone paying a service to treat all Pack members fairly, I would have been dead by these two men by now.

I groaned, and banged my head backwards thrice on the pillow. I brought both of my hands up, grimacing at the tubes running out of them, and ran them down my face, knowing well how complicated the situation was between me and my mate. But, I couldn't deny how unbelievably sexy he looked in that suit that fitted around him perfectly, shaping all his bulging arms, thighs and ass. I licked my lips like a wanton woman, feeling my core pulsating.

'You've kept us away from mate for so long! Go to him now that he knows! Tell him everything! He will accept us. It's not too late!' My wolf scolded me, and I sighed.

'I wish it were that simple,' I replied, sighing at my fallen dream of a happily-ever-after, which felt like the farthest star in the galaxy.

'It is and you know it. Filthy human! Let me take charge!' My wolf growled, and tried to take control but I kept her at bay because then she would take actions I would regret later.

'You're already being banished! Let's just try to enjoy the time we have with mate before we die from the punishment!' She sneered and shivered, as I imagined the punishment I will be facing for harming my Luna.

'No, let's avoid him. That way, he won't suffer much when we die,' I replied, blocking out my wolf.


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