32| Redemption

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Chapter 32| Redemption

Amelia's POV:

"Hey, do you need a hand with that?" I asked, smiling genuinely and faced the women who were hanging the laundry on the ropes. They just rolled their eyes at me, turning away from me. I knew what they were thinking. 

Why did she have to come back?

What troubles will she bring now?

What was the Alpha thinking?

Dylan and I were given two months to prove our loyalty to the Pack, which meant doing chores here and there, taking part in Pack events actively and fighting for the Pack, if something severe happens. I knew it would be hard, given the fact that I did not have a very good reputation before everything had happened. 

"Go away," A woman hissed at me. My blood boiled and my hands itched to just tear her face apart, but then I was reminded of Dylan's beaming face, and it instantly made me calm down.

You're doing this for us, I reminded myself, taking a deep breath.

"Gotcha. I do hope you give me a chance," I smiled, making them scoff. I turned around with the intention of walking away but a crazy person crashed into me making me fall to the ground below with the person landing on top of me, as if me falling wasn't bad enough.

I let out an "oomph" while the person, who I realized was a girl squealed lightly. Closing my eyes, I groaned in pain, giving the girl time to get off. 

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I didn't- I just-" The girl broke into cries before she could even finish her sentence. I got up too, hissing lightly but I concealed it up with a smile, which looked more of a grimace.

"What's wrong?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers. Do I hug her? Or would she be mad that I'm invading her personal space?

"Mom!" Without answering, the girl dashed off to one of the women who were hanging clothes. The tears were falling down her face consistently.

"Mom," She  hiccuped, "M-My wedding dress. I-It burned!"

Multiple women gasped, including the girl's mom who looked terror-stricken.

"The wedding is in a w-week! How am I going to get a new one?" The girl sobbed, falling into the arms of her mother.

"Don't worry, baby." It was obvious that the mother was mad and shocked too, but she was concealing it up to console her daughter. "We'll postpone the wedding." 

"But mom, Eve's parents can only be here for the wedding. Plus, the venue won't be available for the next years!" The girl wailed and cried loudly, making a plan form in my mind.

"I'll make a dress for you," I said, all heads turning to look at me, including the girl and her mother.

"And who are you exactly?" The girl snapped at me and I took in a deep breath to maintain my cool.

"Amelia Anderson," I extended my hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you."

A look of recognition passed through the girl's face and she stumbled back lightly.

"Y-You would?" She asked, her cries lessening now, and I nodded at her.

"I would," I beamed at her and she smiled back. "Come on, we have a lot of planning to do!" I boldly took her hand in mine, thanking he Goddess for this opportunity to redeem myself.


"Whachu doing, Mel?" I immediately knew it was Dylan who entered my room where I was designing a dress in my sketch pad. 

After spending four hours with the girl, whose name I learned was Laura, we were finally able to design a dress. It wasn't that hard and I realized that she was a simple girl, so her dress reflected her personality too. 

She thanked me a thousand times, bursting in tears again as she had lost all hope. She blabbered on and on about what her venue looks like, the main color theme, what her dress looked like and I was able to design a replica of what she had described, just with better cloth and more details. 

"Trying to redeem myself," I replied briefly, focusing on the intricate design.

He came from behind me, peeking over my shoulder to look at what I was making. If it was anyone else, I'd be hella mad at them, but Dylan was a different story.

"Who is that for?" I saw a glint in his eyes, immediately knowing what he was thinking so I replied quickly.

"It's for a Pack member who has her wedding in a week. Her dress burned so I volunteered to make a new one for her," I replied.

"Mel," He started and I turned to look at him, finally. "You don't need to force yourself into doing something for others if you don't want to."

"I want to, Dylan." Shifting in my seat, I looked at him with my most serious expression. "I don't want them to look at me with disgust. I don't want them to just accept me in. I want to make friends. I just don't want to be in a Pack, I want to be in one."

He looked at me for a second and I saw the debate going in his mind because of the many emotions that covered his face. Standing up, I walked to him, flinging my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest. He wasted no time in wrapping his own arms around my waist.

"Let me do this," I looked at him, pouting slightly to which he nodded.

"It would actually be easier for you. You were the Pack's Beta," I started, banging my head lightly against his rib cage.

He sighed deeply. "It's really not. The Pack is friendly towards me but you can still see the hesitation in their eyes. They don't trust me fully yet. And their trust is important if I need the title back."

I nodded. 

"Well, if you ever get down, you know I'll be here to pick you back up and help you stand on your feet again," I stated, feeling his lips lightly caress the top of my head when I said so.

"I know, mate. I know."


A/N: Hey hey hey guys! Hope you are all fine and well, life is treating you good. I seriously do hope that life's going good for you.

Anyways, what did you think of this chapter? Do Dylan and Amelia really deserve a chance or nah? Are the Pack members too hard on them? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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