31| Second Chance

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Chapter 31| Second Chance

Dylan's POV:

I took in deep breaths, clutching onto my mate's hand like my life depended on it. She stood there, her shoulders squared and chin up. Her posture was straight and face was nonchalant. While I was scared shitless.

"Calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen to us," She whispered, still keeping her face stoic. I wonder how she did that. Nevertheless, her voice calmed me down.

The effect she has on me.

The night she poured everything out on me, she showed me an email. A very important email from the Werewolf Council themselves which stated that a meeting was set which would decide our fate. I was surprised and ecstatic to know that she was willing to go through storms for me.

The last four days I have been writing and re-writing speeches, memorizing them, finding more faults than needed, dumping the whole speech and then writing one again. I was going crazy, trying so hard to achieve perfection because I knew this was the only way I could achieve total happiness. 

One night when I was working so maniacally on the speech and getting drunk on coffee at 4 am, Amelia came over to me. The look on her face was enough to let me know that she was worried about me. 

"You need to sleep," She said, closing the laptop screen gently. I stared at her for a while, before raking my hands through my hair.

"I don't want to mess up and lose you for good," I replied, blinking my tears back. I lost her once and a demon took over me after which I tried to commit suicide. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I lost her again. For good, this time.

"Dylan," She cupped my face in one hand to make me look at her, "It will be fine. I will fight the entire universe for you. No one's taking you away from me. The Council, or anyone else can't do shit. If our love is true then no wall, no ocean, no obstacle can get in our way." She kissed my forehead lightly, sparks erupting from where her lips made contact with my skin.

"Let's go sleep." Her arm trailed down mine before she intertwined our fingers, bringing me back to our bed and I got a decent sleep in a long time.

It took me one night to believe that the feelings she had for me weren't some stupid prank. She was real, we were real and nothing could separate us. If I had to go through hell for her, I would. Satan himself would end up fearing me. Anything to have her in my arms, where she actually belongs.

With that thought, I squared my own shoulders, facing front with my jaw clenched and a determined look on my face. The elders of the Council glared at me, trying to get me to quiver under their stare but my love was stronger than their authority over me.

"Amelia Anderson." My ears perked up at the name of my mate and I stood on high alert, ready to charge against anyone who dares to disrespect my mate.

"After running a successful background check on you, we have found out that you were a rogue, who was illegally taken in the Water Pack, and sent to the Fire Pack after you were claimed to be a "nuisance" and a "hindrance." You were called the "Pack's slut" at the Fire Pack. If that wasn't bad then you attacked the Pack's Luna and her unborn child, Hazel Greyson, put her in critical condition, put yourself in critical condition and then somehow, just somehow the Pack's Beta becomes your mate." He closed the book in front of him which contained the records of all the werewolves and leaned backwards in his throne-ish-chair. "What part of that does not scream fishy to you?"

I looked at Amelia, but her determined look had not faltered. Despite knowing that she could take on everything the universe threw at her, I gave her hand a small squeeze and a relaxed look crossed her face.

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