33| The Confession

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Chapter 33| The Confession

Amelia's POV:

I blinked back my tears, watching the scene in front of me unfold. The bride, aka Laura walked down the aisle. Her eyes were transfixed on her mate and the love of her life, Eve.

Yeah, it was a lesbian couple.

I watched the dress I had worked so hard on fit her perfectly, showcasing her curves. It was designed like a ball gown, with sequins and a silver belt at the waist. There was some embroidery on it, and I must say, I was impressed with my team's work.

I made the dress for her for limited price, as her family would have already spent loads on her previous dress and she gave me an invitation card in return. I was ecstatic to know that my first step in being accepted was working.

We had grown closer in the previous week and she even called me her "friend." 

She also had post-wedding jitters, so she specifically asked for me. Me! Never did I ever imagine someone would ask for me, yet alone in their time of distress to calm them down. 

"I do." The sob that I was trying to contain finally slipped past my mouth and I clapped like a child when they kissed, finally. 

It must feel so magical to finally be able to be forever with your love. Like nothing can break you apart. Because of the mate bond, it's not necessary for werewolves to get married, but still many werewolves preferred to get married.

"Congratulations!" I squealed, hugging Laura at the reception party. She instantly hugged me back, thanking me again and again for all my help. I rolled my eyes heavenwards. This girl is never going to stop.

"You look gorgeous," She said, eyeing me up and down and we heard a small growl which we found out came from Eve.

"Don't worry, baby," Laura purred, hugging Eve in a possessive manner.

"Once this party comes to an end, I guess I'll have to remind you who you belong to," Eve whispered in Laura's ear, biting it playfully.

"Oh and by the way, Amelia." I hummed when my name was called, matching gazes with Laura.

"Everyone really loved the dress. They said it's unique and have never seen anything like it. I know you're going through a hard phase right now, so I told them you made it for me. They were all really shocked. I think you earned a lot of people's respect tonight." Hearing this, I smiled, a warm glow filling my body. I had achieved what I wanted. Well, I still had a long way to go but still, progress.


"You did a good job tonight, Mel." I paused from wiping the cake from my face with the makeup wipe to look at Dylan who beamed, smiling widely at me. His smile was so innocent, so pure. The corners of his mouth would lift up, taking my heart with them. I could look at it for hours without getting tired of it. The calming affect it had on me was so unrealistic. Looking at him smiling made it seem as if the whole world was filled with rainbows and gumdrops. 

"Thank you." I genuinely smiled back at him from the mirror. His smile was so contagious that I couldn't help but not smile at him. 

I noticed today that Dylan also was experiencing some problems with the Pack members who had trouble accepting him back, but Dylan was still trying by being himself. A wave of guilt suddenly hit me like a firetruck and even with him smiling, I frowned.

"What happened?" Dylan obviously may have caught the frown that replaced my smile because he came over to me, checking here and there for any injuries. 

"Nothing," I lied, trying to fake a smile at him. It didn't work as he frowned with me.

"It's obviously something," He muttered, looking down at me. His hands found their way to my shoulders, which he gripped lightly. "Please tell me what happened." He implored, his brown eyes held a pleading expression. 

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