0| A Small Insight

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Chapter 0| A Small Insight

Amelia's POV:

"Oh, fuck," I whispered, raveling myself from the hairy limbs I was tangled in. The pounding headache, along with the slight pain in my groin, provided me an insight of the events that took place the night before. Turning my gaze to the snoring man's face, I tried to remember where I had seen him. A small gasp escaped my lips when I realized he was one of the Pack warriors, also explaining why my feminine parts were slightly sore. What a wild night.

Mentally patting myself on the back, I smirked. Nice.

Slipping out of the covers, I quickly gathered what was left of my clothes that were roughly discarded from my body last night. Putting them on, I cringed a little at the smell of sex and booze that lingered in them. I was certain that if I looked at myself in the mirror, I would be traumatized for eternity.

"Ready for some morning sex?" A lazy voice questioned, and I turned to look at the warrior I had fucked with.

Faking a disgusted look, I scoffed, "You think I would want anything to do with you after last night's quickie?"

The man raged visibly and growled, "You loved it. You were screaming, begging for me to take you in all positions."

"It's called, 'the art of faking,' honey. You should try it, sometimes," I winked, and started walking out.

"YOU SLUTTY WHORE!" Stifling a giggle at his words, I dashed out of his room, kicking the door shut on my way out. To reach my room, I would have to cross the dining room where, undoubtedly, all the Pack members would be present for breakfast. My eyes automatically rolled at the thought.

A lot of heads turned to look at me; curious children, drooling men, envious women, enraged mothers, even embarrassed fathers. I just smirked, knowing that I was a slut, a whore, a bitch, anything and everything you can think of. But hell, I was damn good at it.

My eyes darted to a cup of orange juice and then to one of the Omegas working. With a grin, I curled my hand around the cold surface of the cup, picking it up, and then stalked towards the Omega.

"Oops," I laughed, unloading the contents of the cup at her head, watching with satisfaction as a gasp escaped her lips, the juice dripped down her hair, her face and finally, the flimsy material of the rags she wore absorbed them. A few snickers were heard from behind, my head turning back as a reflex. My eyes found my so-called best friend's, the cause of the snickering. Cindy, my left arm, stood in the middle.

I purred when a booming voice cut the tension in the air, "What's going on here?"

"Michael!" I shrieked, seductively walking over to him. I ran my gaze over his buff body, his abs emphasized due to the tight button-up shirt he wore. His hair was sleeked back and he radiated power and authority. 

"It's Alpha to you," He barked, shrugging off the hand I had placed on his shoulder.

"But, baby, I'm your mate-" I whined but was cut off by his growl. Goddess what would it take for him to realize that I'm his mate, no one else but me? He really needs to get out of his delusional head and stop searching for the "Luna" when in fact, I was standing in front of him.

"You are not my mate. You will never be my mate. The Luna position doesn't belong to you," He growled. I opened my mouth to protest but was cut off, again.

"Alpha," It was his Beta, Dylan, who cut me off, "The other Alphas have arrived to discuss the rogue sightings."

Michael muttered something under his breath before turning to glare at me. Anyone in their right mind would submit to him immediately, but not me. He's my mate, my equal. Why should I submit to my mate?

"Fix this and make sure it doesn't happen again, or else there will be consequences." With that, he turned and faced the members who were watching the intriguing show.

"Do I look like a monkey giving a strip show to you? Get back to your work. NOW!" He yelled, and everyone turned back to what they were initially doing. The Pack members continued their routine after witnessing the event, all heads turning away from me, all but one.

I locked gazes with Dylan, whose face was blank while his eyes held a bit of confusion. From where I stood, I could hear the slight pounding of his heart because of the connection.

"Shit," I muttered, running out of the dining room, leaving a slightly confused Dylan there. I opened my drawer, fiddling with the contents until my hands found a familiar bottle. Picking it up, I opened the cork, drinking some of it. My wolf cried in protest but I paid no heed to her. This was necessary.


"If you're not mated to an Alpha, then you don't mean anything," I whispered the words again and again, walking closer to the bar I saw my Alpha going in. Passing by a mirror, I hastily skimmed my eyes over the skimpy outfit I was wearing. 

Grinning, I went inside the bar without interruption. I had overheard the discussion my Alpha had had with the other Alphas, and it had not end well. I had also picked up the fact that he, along with his Beta, were heading to the bar to drink their frustration out.

Also, his Beta had refused, so it was a perfect opportunity for me to catch him, alone.

I spotted him in one of the corners, a drink in his hand and a blank expression on his face. Smirking, I walked to where he was without him noticing.

"Bad day?" I whispered in his ear, grazing his earlobe a little.

"You could say that," He grunted, closing his eyes a little. It was obvious that he was drunk out of his mind, otherwise he would have already pushed me off.

"Want me to help you get rid of it?" I asked, lowering her voice a few octaves to get the flirty effect. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him grin and I knew I had him where I wanted him.


"The Alpha has found his mate, our Pack's soon-to-be Luna," Cindy's voice cut my peaceful sketching session. My pencil dropped from my hands, and I suddenly felt disgusted from the dress I was sketching.

"That's not true, I'm his mate!" I exclaimed, but Cindy shrugged.

"Where is he now?" I asked to which Cindy responded, "back in his penthouse, at New York."

I growled, a plan forming in my mind. I explained the details to Cindy who listened patiently.

"And what if he rejects you?" Cindy asked, and a sadistic smirk formed on my face.

"Then, I'll have to get the Luna out of the way through any means necessary."


A/N: Damn, Amelia is one bad-ass chick! How was this chapter? Should I continue writing or not? Also, if you wish to read more about what Amelia did to Michael, you should read the prequel, "The Full Moon Ritual," now published and completed on Wattpad.

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