5| Sexual Fantasies

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Chapter 5| Sexual Fantasies

Amelia's POV:

For the first time in forever, I started to refuse the men who wanted to 'do the dirty' with me. Mostly, I would be horny but this time, my fear and regret overpowered my anger. My regret was mostly from my wolf, who regretted not telling Dylan about everything. 

At a young age, I had learnt to hide my emotions behind the mask I would wear, an expression termed as the 'resting bitch' face. If there was an award for aceing the said expression, I would have been swimming in trophies and eating dollars for lunch.

"Wanna hit it off like we did last time?" A man grinned at me, lust clear in his eyes, as he looked down at me, sneaking an arm around my waist to pull me closer. I had no idea who this man was, but I realized through his words that he has seen more of me than he should actually have. 

"Do I know you?" I rolled my eyes, trying to be brave and sassy which surprisingly, worked.

"Geez, just how many men have you fucked for you to forget the best night of your life, you slut?"

Slut. That was my Pack name. I was titled as the Pack slut. I should be enraged for this, but I had been living under that shadow for too long for me to start acting up now.

"Oh, I remember faking moans because your extra small dick couldn't pleasure me," I scoffed again, taking a step back from him and eyed him with disgust. I truly was disgusted by him, as my leg was still in a caste and I was suffering from injuries yet still, he wanted to have sex with me. I didn't know who this man was but it did not matter as his face turned red and his hands balled into fists.

Or maybe it did matter because he could tear me apart, limb from limb, and I wouldn't be able to stop him or fight him off because, alas, my stupid brain and injuries.

"You slut! Why are you refusing men now, huh? Is it because you found your mate at the ceremony? Did he reject you after finding out what a slut you are?" He sneered, and his words hit a nerve. However, I tried my best to not show it. Mastering the resting bitch face truly had many advantages.

Rejection was the most painful process in werewolf terms. It's when your mate doesn't accept you and the werewolf has to say some specific words to reject his or her mate. 

I hadn't thought of Dylan rejecting me but now, fear engulfed me. If he rejected me for being the slut that I was, then I will lose all motivation to live. I will hurt so much that I would be wishing that I could just die. I will die from the pain-

'You're already going to die from the punishment and, if for some miracle you survive, then from the banishment.'

'True,' I replied, relaxing a bit. It would seem stupid to relax after knowing that one could die, but this was my fate and I could do nothing about it. Plus, why would my mate even want me after everything I have done? He's a good man with a good heart, and he does not need someone like me tainting him.

"Do I need to call the guards on you or are you leaving on your own?" I glared at the man, who muttered some curses and left.

I counted down the days till the banishment. Luckily, I still had around 12 days left in the Pack. However, I wished I would be anywhere other than the Pack as everyone would give me dirty looks, and the little respect I had in the Pack was no more. Why would they respect me anyway? I harmed the Luna and that was a mistake I was going to have to live with....for 12 more days.

I sighed, walking to the Pack doctor's office using my cane for support. Some women laughed and snickered at me, and I cursed my broken leg. Finally, after a lot of struggle I reached the office, and I was welcomed inside.

The doctor's office was one of the places I loved in the Pack. Most people hate doctors as they have a phobia of them, but not me. Doctors have to respect, love and treat everyone the same. They ignore a person's reputation or his past but focus on the betterment for their patient. It was one of the places where I felt respected and loved.

"Hello Amelia! How are we doing today?" The doctor grinned at me. His face and skin was wrinkled, and his hair was silver because of his old age. 

It's funny how as we grow old, we get wealthier. Silver in hair, gold on teeth, sugar in blood, stones in gallbladder, yada yada yada.

"Good. I think my leg has healed," I replied, sitting on one of the stools for support.

"Hmm we'll have to see that," He responded and proceeded to remove my caste. "And what about your other injuries, have they healed?"

"Yup! They have healed," I responded, wincing when I saw the wrinkly leg. I tried to move it upon the doctor's order and thankfully, it moved.

"Well, Amelia, I can proudly say that your leg has healed, too. But you still have to avoid putting too much pressure on it for at least, about a day."

"Thank you, doc," I grinned, kissed his cheek in a daughterly way and left.

It felt a little weird walking, and chills ran up my leg from the air that hit it but I knew that I would be fine in a while.

I asked my wolf to speed up the healing process a little bit, and promised her that we'd go for a run afterwards to which my wolf grinned and in a flash, my leg was healed. Exhausted from the process, I ran to my room, laughing in glee a little, tucked myself under the covers and fell asleep.


I woke up to a deep chuckle from the left side of the bed. The sound made me sigh in contentment, as I cuddled more into something warm. Something that was most definitely not my pillow.

'Did we have sex with someone?' I asked my wolf, who responded 'no.'

Feeling disoriented, I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that Dylan was in my room, sitting on a chair beside my bed. I frowned when I realized that the thing I was cuddling was his hand, which was under my neck and supporting my head.

"Did you have sex with me while I was asleep?" I bluntly asked, making Dylan's eyes widen.

"Goddess, no!" He exclaimed, in a screechy feminine voice that had me questioning his gender. The hard impact of him standing up from his chair made it topple over.

"Oh well, sad for me. It's one of my fantasies, with consent of course" I sat up, and yawned a little, enjoying the way my mate's cheeks burned fifty shades of red.

"I-I-I shall," He cleared his throat, as his cheeks burned. "I shall try to fulfill that one day."

"Not happening anytime, mate. I'm being banished soon. And, I probably won't even be alive from the punishment," I chuckled, and Dylan growled.

"Don't say that. Nothing will be happening to you. I will make sure of that," He growled, and I bitterly scoffed at his empty words. After many traumatic experiences, I had learnt the hard way not to trust empty words and promises.

"No one would betray their Pack for their mate," I stated, as a matter-of-factly. It was true; ranks in Packs are hard to earn. Dylan would have to sacrifice his blood, sweat, tears and everything he had worked for if he wanted to save me from my fate.

"I would," Dylan responded. "And, I will." He stated firmly, his tone holding a promise in it.


Hey guys! So, this was more of a filler chapter. The next one will hold drama in it, I promise. Also, I have an exam tomorrow that I haven't studied for so, please pray for me *puppy dog eyes.*

And, I overdosed on pineapple cake yesterday sooo :/ 

Thoughts on this chapter? Any suggestions for improvement? 

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