7| Sugar Wizard

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Chapter 7| Sugar Wizard

Amelia's POV:

This is all a dream.

I chanted this inside my head, my eyes still closed and my head lying on a pillow. It felt too fluffy to be the pillow I had in the Pack, making me even more aware of everything that had happened. My consciousness kept nagging at me, pleading me to be rational about this, as I had been telling myself the same lie for a while:

This is all a dream.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. Heck! No one would! Dylan saved me, sacrificing his title for me. For me! Someone like me! Everything he had worked hard for. Everything that he had wasted so many of his sweat, blood and tears on. He had sacrificed it all...for me. For a slut.

No, all of this is too good to be true. When I open my eyes, I'll be back in my room, and I will die with this dream.

Hesitatingly, I opened my eyes, like one of those Disney princesses who open their eyes slowly and elegantly. The only difference was that they would be all positive and optimistic, signing melodic songs about 'new day, new me; while my stomach and head was in turmoil. A light pierced my eyes, and I sat up in horror. I looked around the room, very keenly observing that it wasn't mine. 

Goddess, please no.

As much as I wanted to be like a Disney princess, I knew that life is no bed of roses like it is portrayed as. For the first time in forever, note the reference, I wanted to be back at the Pack. I was so enthusiastic about dying, about escaping everything, and all of my plans were snatched away from me.

God, I was such a cliché, with my head battling against my heart. The horrifying thing was that, I didn't know whether I should support the head or the heart.

"Glad to see you're finally awake," A voice said from behind me and I screamed a little, before turning around.

There I saw Dylan, standing shirtless, with his abs in view. Damn, I wanted to lick those juicy abs with my tongue, bite on the triceps, and trace his chest and abdominal area with my fingers to memorize the masterpiece standing in front of me. My eyes trailed down to his v-line, and I gulped when wetness pooled in my core. 

I had never been the one to avert my eyes from a fine male specimen. But, when I saw him trying to cover himself with his arms, which only flexed his muscles more, I looked away, sensing the discomfort my gaze brought to him. 

Why is he disappointed? 

Usually, men love to brag and flaunt their muscles to make girls swoon all over them. And, it was obvious that he had spent so much effort and time in the gym, so why?

"I-I'll be right back," He rushed out, dashing inside Goddess knows where. When he came back, he was fully clothed. A part of me was relieved, but a part was disappointed. 

"Where are we?" I asked, looking at the people below from the window. They appeared to be about 60 floors above, and I could tell as I had experience climbing up and down buildings.

"New York," Dylan replied, a little hesitant, as he stood next to me with a little distance in between. I was anticipating him touching me but he didn't, nor did he look at me, other than my face.

"I don't want you," I said softly, and Dylan nodded.

"I know." Although his eyes held pain and longing, he wore a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. 

"Why are we here?" I asked, emphasizing a little at the 'we.'

"We were banished." His short answers were annoying me, but everything always does.

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