20.2. Dilemmas

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Chapter 20.2. Dilemmas

"I'd like to make you a deal," The young blonde said suggestively, leaning forward and propping her elbows on the table to reduce the distance between her and her accompanier.

"And what might that be?" The man mimicked her actions, his eyes dilating. She smirked inwardly, knowing she had him where she wanted him.

"How about I sell you a design in double the price, and make you another one if it goes viral, which I doubt it won't," She explained quickly, not wanting to kill the mood as it would ruin things for her.

She saw her phone screen light up and a notification popped up. Giddiness filled her when she realized that it could be another proposal from a clothing company, asking for more designs with obviously, high rates. 

Business was something Amelia knew like the back of her hand. She knew all the secrets, all the what to do's and what not to do's. Naturally, she had a very convincing tone which helped in settling deals and arguments. Her company was prospering, in fact, it was labelled as the "Most Grossing Clothing Company" by multiple famous magazines and websites. Finally, just finally, she had everything she wanted. 

Except for the comfort of her mate.

"Okay, we accept," The man in front of her said and she grinned triumphantly. Shaking hands with him, she watched him stand up and going out of the restaurant holding her promise in his hands. 

As soon as he was out of sight, she picked her phone up excitedly, tapping the Gmail notification without reading the topic.

Dear Amelia,

Strange, she thought, My new buyer never calls me by my first name.

Nevertheless, she continued reading...

Years. It feels like years have passed by since you left. Yet, the calendar states that only two months have passed by. If I could buy all the time in the world, I would if that's what it would take to have you back. Unfortunately, time is a b-word, and money cannot buy love, true love. I am so proud of you. I always have been- seeing you mature as a woman. But, seeing you mature as a business woman and as a conqueror, I never felt this much pride when it came to me. I wish I could flaunt you to the world, unfortunately though, I cannot.

The real purpose of this message was to tell you that I received a potion which disconnects us temporarily, which means that I will not feel any pain if you engage in any sexual encounter. I figured it was best for you since you enjoy that lifestyle and I, as a mate, did not want to tie you down.

Yours truly,

Dylan Rodriguez.

P.S, I also received a sex-doll and am traumatized for eternity.

P.P.S, I am also discarding said doll, no matter what anyone says.

Reading the email, her heart suddenly felt heavy and a lump grew in her throat. She felt tears brimming her eyes taking her back to the time when she cried in front of Dylan for the first and the last time. Her body tingled remembering the way his arms held her and the events that followed afterwards, more specifically, their first kiss. 

NO! NO, thinking about Dylan is not good for you. And crying in general is forbidden territory. Bad tears, go back! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT make an appearance!

Sighing, her finger hovered over the small trash icon. Should I really delete it? Her mind again brought back unwanted memories of the first time he called her "beautiful" and how her heart swelled at the compliment. 

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