14| Daddy's Dick

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Chapter 14| Daddy's Dick

Amelia's POV:

I fumed, imagining the possibilities of what I would do to my best friend once I get my hands on her.

Oh, we could hang her upside down from the chandelier, using a blade to skin her alive, I thought, glaring at the chandelier. If I glared at it hard enough, maybe it would explode, which would bring a sense of satisfaction to me.

"You can draw?" Dylan choked out, and I saw him feeling a tad bit fear envelop him when he saw the murderous look on his mate's face.

"Of course, asshat," I growled and Dylan puckered his lips inwards.

"Sorry," He mumbled, dropping his eyes to his neglected coffee that was surely cold by now. Poor coffee...

"I have to find a way to bring her down. This is not fair. She will pay for what she did," I growled, looking at Dylan who nodded quickly to avoid my wrath.


Convincing Dylan to take me with him to the office, which wasn't as hard as I had predicted, I soon found myself in front of a sky-high building, which glistened in the sunlight as if it was made of metal. It defied all laws of Physics, standing there with all its glory. It was true, no doubt, that Woods Enterprises had buildings all around the world, which was the apparent reason of why I wasn't surprised.

Maybe being in an office building with office people wearing office clothes would help me think about ways to kill Cindy.

Of more ways to kill Cindy, actually.

Sparing one glance at Dylan, who stood there fidgeting slightly, I confidently walked inside. Memories of all the times I would come in here to see Michael flashed through my mind. All of them ended with me being dragged out of the building by security because I would be creating a scene that would destroy the young CEO's reputation. It got so bad that the security guards could recognize my face, and would halt me from going inside the building, even before I opened my mouth to say anything.

Thinking of which...

"Miss Anderson, I am sorry but, according to security rules, I cannot allow you to enter this building," The security guard approached me, and said in his most intimidating voice. His eyes glared daggers at me, which did not effect me, at all.

"Actually," Dylan, playing the role of my knight in shining armor, came to my rescue, with his beaming smile. Always the goodie-two-shoes. "She is with me, and from now on, shall be granted access inside the building whenever she wants, understood?" Despite his warm physical features, his voice held a bit of a warning in it, which had the guard nodding his head curtly.

"Yes, sir," He mumbled, obviously not happy about this command. 

"Thank you," Dylan nodded at him, and motioned for me to walk in front of him.

Walking inside, I noticed that not much had changed ever since I first stepped foot inside the place. The whole place had an office vibe to it, and the colors black and white dominated the interior. Employees wearing office clothes ran here and there, and the sounds of papers flipping and machines working could be heard. 

Someday, I will have my own building.

With that optimistic thought, I walked inside the empty elevator and waited for Dylan to catch up. 

Since he was caught up talking to the receptionist about something my mind would not comprehend, I ran her gaze around the elevator, something she had never done before. The 'hold' button inside was highlighted, and I pitied the people waiting in the above floors waiting for the elevator.


On the buttons panel, I saw an 'M' at the top, which indicated Michael's floor, and a 'D' a little under it, indicating Dylan's floor.

'D stands for Daddy's Dick,' My wolf purred, and I choked on my spit. 

'Someone's feeling horny,' I replied, amused. 'Finally, you're catching up.'

'It's just the effect of the full moon, don't get used to it,' My wolf rolled her eyes at me.

I furrowed my brows, 'It's a full moon tonight? Damn, time flies fast. Glad that we're not virgins anymore, am I right? Or else, that experience would have been hell.' I shuddered.

'Maybe not for us, but for someone close to us. Too close,' My wolf replied, blocking their connection before I could ask her any questions.

I could not ponder over that conversation because a man slipped inside the elevator with ease, and pushed a button that had me gawking at him in surprise. He was an attractive man, oozing power and dominance. He looked like a rich man, wearing a grey Armani suit with his hair slicked back, because of the gel he wore. I could swear she recognized him from somewhere. If only he removed his dark shades, I would figure out who he was.

"You kept the door open for too long," The man shrugged, and I realized I was still staring at him. Whatever, let him know that I want him. And whatever I want, I get...

I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.

"I was waiting for someone," I replied, with indifference.

"And then, I came. Coincidence? I think not." The man smiled at me, and I giggled my practised giggle, which held a bit of a flirtatious undertone in it.

"Well, if that's fate, then we can't fight against it. Let me treat you out to dinner, what do you say?" He asked, and I nodded immediately.

"I'd love that," I purred, twirling my hair around my finger. The man, whose name I still didn't know, gave me his phone, in which I added my number.

"Till next time, troublemaker," He smirked at me, his hand reaching his face before he removed his shades, and I gasped when she realized why he looked so familiar. But before I could ask anything, the elevator doors opened and the man walked out, not sparing me a second glance.

Outside the doors, there stood a breathless and panting Dylan, leaning on the wall for support. When he raised his eyes to meet mine, he dashed to me, holding my face in a soft grip, and looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay? Did that man hurt you? Did he say anything?" He kept on throwing questions at me, but I just grinned at him.

"Where have you been?" He asked, furrowing his brows, and pouting his lips a little.

"On cloud nine." My voice was breathless, and my heart was racing wildly.

I've just been asked to go out on a date by the Alpha of the Earth Pack!

I've just been asked to go out on a date by the Alpha of the Earth Pack!

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A/N: LOADS OF DRAMA!!!!! AMELIA'S BEEN ASKED OUT, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO OUR POOR BABY DYLAN? Do you think she'd accept or reject his offer? Do you think Dylan would let her go or not? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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